- Comment on He's taking some deep drags on that Marlboro as he considers what to do 15 hours ago:
Oh boy, I NEED the template to that, pretry please?
- Comment on The thing about the 80s is that all these people were under 18. 5 weeks ago:
It’s Bon Jovi, is it not?
- Comment on So annoying when a duck takes the last bar seat 5 weeks ago:
That’s… not a duck?
- Comment on Banner year 2 months ago:
When they breathe, were does it go?
- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
That’s also very interesting in light of the US superficially appearing to be strongly federal in nature (with the individual states enjoying a great deal of autonomy) - a structure which would historically be known to develop in a bottom-up manner, where preexisting smaller entities would federate to form a larger state. This history is telling very different story, where those entities were not actually preexisting, but invented by the central authority 😂
- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
Anyone care to explain to European noob what this means?
- Comment on From moms pov 3 months ago:
That’s not POV, unless you are your mom
- Comment on Should I buy it? 3 months ago:
Using vaginally will cause damage to the delicate microbiome in there, don’t do it!
- Comment on A children's classic 5 months ago:
Uggh. That’s dark
- Comment on Wendy's 5 months ago:
Who is the verified Wendy’s, and who allowed them to speak?
- Comment on I need to wake up early 9 months ago:
A phone won’t vibrate strongly enough for you? You could adjust the intensity of those you know
- Comment on If they're people, why aren't they in prison? 11 months ago:
Source of diagram?
- Comment on Me trying to insert a flash drive at night 11 months ago:
Why three tries in the top panel? It normally takes me 4, bcs I also try it sideways - but you got it right the first time, noi?
- Comment on Motorcycle of your dream 1 year ago:
Actually, having sex on the road while driving isn’t fun.
- Comment on Comment which one is your orgasm face in the comments. 1 year ago:
I don’t know what my o-face looks like, because my partner refuses to hold up a mirror while fucking
- Comment on Merr Crimas 1 year ago:
Satanic Christmas?