- Comment on If you shop by unit prices, double check the math! 1 day ago:
I don’t know anyone who says “I need (x of weight) worth of peanut butter!” And then uses the weight as the measurement.
This isnt what that price is for.
Say I’m buying ketchup. Bottle A is 725ml and costs $5. Bottle B is 967ml and costs $6. Giving you the cost / mL tells you which one is actually cheaper, not which one costs less.
- Comment on BRB, need more cheese 2 days ago:
Gonna be honest, can’t say I’ve ever seen a cheese commercial before
- Comment on Dunkin' added achievements to their mobile app 6 days ago:
The first badge is “Savings Starter”, which implies that using the app is providing some sort of discount. The badges may not be directly tied to a discount but the app most certainly gives you one, that’s how all of these things work.
- Comment on bernie on 21 1 week ago:
There was a viral video from like 2015 or so (I think it was a Vine) where a guy asks a kid, “what’s 10 plus 9?” The kid looks up and immediately says “21!” to which the original person replies, “ya stupid”.
I don’t think it actually has anything to do with the image, just a post ironic shit post.
- Comment on Canva charges you to make a circle 1 week ago:
Yeah, most LLMs I’ve used tend to use phrases like TBH and …etc.
- Comment on Anon expects more 1 week ago:
Not a Western AAA studio, lol.
The meme is saying that Western AAA game makers are too lazy to make good games and are upset at other, NON-Western game devs for producing good games and making themselves (the westerners) look bad.
Larian isn’t in the group of complainers. The meme isn’t putting them in any category.
- Comment on Anon expects more 1 week ago:
Aren’t the “Western AAA developers” the ones complaining? Not the ones that made the mentioned games?
- Comment on "Free" Speech Absolutist™ 2 weeks ago:
What more does the Grok response provide? The response itself is made up. Ask the LLM the same question 5 times and you will get 5 different answers.
- Comment on This is the life I dream of from my cubicle 2 weeks ago:
So it does.
Another fun fact about the guy though is that he’s credited with coining the phrase “lick my ass” in his poetry.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Haha and then they freak out and hurt or kill OP lmao that’d be hilarious and epic guys.
- Comment on Anon reaches enlightenment 2 weeks ago:
Has a dream where he has an open conversation with someone, feels better
“Fuck talking about my feelings”
Anon is enlightened and regarded
- Comment on Happy new year!!! 2 weeks ago:
1st panel: recognizing art style haha, “is this loss” hur dur
2nd panel: ok no it’s some other stupid edit
3rd panel: I think I’m getting the absurdist humor behind this one
4th panel: God fucking dammit
- Comment on Anon airs out 3 weeks ago:
Hey, I just wanted you to know that I didn’t like your post.
- Comment on Anon memes 3 weeks ago:
a ban on any site is basically your whole life over.
Brotha, what?
- Comment on Behold currently! 3 weeks ago:
My world bears flame! Does yours do the same?
I’m in agreement with the situation, and it will never cease to amuse me.
- Comment on These dames wanting inclusivity 3 weeks ago:
I use “my guy” as a humorous precursor to the rest of my sentence regardless of whom I’m speaking to.
- Comment on Anon disrupts the gaming industry 4 weeks ago:
Open a million free accounts on some cloud storage website
- Comment on Anon disrupts the gaming industry 4 weeks ago:
I am in the industry.
You are in the industry.
We are in the industry.
This is the industry.
- Comment on My post was removed because it was not political? 5 weeks ago:
How is them editing the title anything besides confirmation that it was a simple typo? I really don’t understand why you’re so bent out of shape. Most people here came from Reddit and the organization is very similar, accidentally putting r/ instead of c/ is something that happens all the time. The whole “Reddit bad!! 😠” attitude is just immature and probably hypocritical.
- Comment on My post was removed because it was not political? 5 weeks ago:
which now makes it seem as though I had no idea what I was talking about
No, I know what you’re talking about.
OP put r/, I called them out on it
I’m saying that making a simple typo is not really something you need to “call someone out on”. Nobody ever denied them using r/, so the “let’s be honest” seemed extra silly.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I see, sorry to have gotten on your case then. I thought you were this upset over someone making a mask joke.
- Comment on Single-bladed razors are superior! 5 weeks ago:
Ooh, yes but no. Those 42-blade razors are garbage, but the Holy Grail of close shaves (imo) is the safety razor. Feels much more comfortable to use, and, well, is safer.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
This isn’t their original account.
If that’s the case then that’s fair enough. I quickly scrolled through their account and saw mostly positive posts in appropriate communities, so it seemed like you were going all in on the guy for making this one unfavorable post.
- Comment on My post was removed because it was not political? 5 weeks ago:
Let’s be honest, though, OP knew they messed up
You’re right, let’s get him for ah, making a typo.
- Comment on My post was removed because it was not political? 5 weeks ago:
You’re able to block people without announcing it.
- Comment on My post was removed because it was not political? 5 weeks ago:
Saruman made the hyper-orcs
The Uruk-Hai (which translates to “Orc Folk”, ironically).
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Why are you being so angry and hostile towards this guy lol. You didn’t like his post. Downvote it and move on. Why are you scouring his post history and trying to call attention to the 2 or 3 other posts they have with a whopping -1?
Did that feel nice? For just a second? The thought that somebody might actually care about you or what you have to say?
“I didn’t like this joke, so I’m gonna try to come up with something hurtful and mean to say to them, even though they did nothing to me” do you talk to people like this in real life or only on the Internet?
- Comment on What are the odds? 5 weeks ago:
Edited != AI
- Comment on ohh ... 5 weeks ago:
What information has come out that makes you say the last paragraph? I’m not doubting it’s validity in the slightest (I don’t think this guy is exactly an infallible source of wisdom), just haven’t seen a lot directly from him that would flesh his views out that much.
- Comment on I know my purpose 1 month ago:
And I don’t want to live where you live where anthills are more formidable than my shoe 😅