Not sure I have a solution, but I’d have to imagine part of the solution would have to be for the U.S. to stop funding the genocide of Palestinians.
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
Give the Arabs back their land. Give Jews land somewhere in Europe or the U.S. since we’re all so supportive of them. 1 year ago
Surely then the Arabs will give it back to the French, whom they conquered it from at the end of the Crusades … but the French have to give it back to the Arabs … who have to give it back to the Greek Christians that they conquered it from … who have to give it back to the Romans … then the Jews again … then the Babylonians (the pre-Arab Iraqis, that is) … then the Jews again … then the Spanish and Moroccans as the ethnic descendants of the Sea Peoples (the original Palestinians) … eventually it goes back to the Akkadians or something, right? 1 year ago
Or we can draw a line at the very real point where Britain, in all their hubris, said, “Fuck all y’all Arabs, this land is for the Jews” shortly after WWII. 1 year ago
Yeah with piling up petty feudal claims I always see appeals to “history” to be intellectually disingenuous and a rather disgusting excuse to kill people. It’s basically revanshism, you know, what Hitler did and Putin’s doing. We haven’t learnt shit from fuck have we. Religion being another terrible excuse. So I agree with you. Can’t we just freeze all the borders and globalize at last? Why all the dumb separation over delusions such as culture, religions and nationalism? I guess pride and inertia won’t allow it. 1 year ago
What happens when a large proportion of the Jewish people currently in Israel refuse to leave? 1 year ago
They’re not actually. Its more like the enemy of my enemy sort of thing, thats the reason so many jews ended up in Israel in the first place because of the anti–semitism and discrimination, genocide, etc, you name it in western countries. 1 year ago
i vote florida. lets declare florida new Israel. keep all those nukes we paid for close to home. 1 year ago
Put them somewhere undesirable like south dakota. 1 year ago
The only way to solve the problem without any of the participants complaining about it is to make the world’s largest pane of glass.
Everyone in the region seems happier fighting than making peace, so it would be unethical to make them quit. 1 year ago
Both sides of the conflict putting down their arms and talking peace. 1 year ago
It has been tried quite a few times. Inevitably, one side or the other does something mildly antagonistic, the other side retaliates, and they are back at war.
Maybe the answer is to do the opposite? Start arming both sides to the gills? Any nation going through nuclear disarmament drops of the nukes in no man’s land between the two? Make it so if either nation so much as sneezes wrong, not only is the region glass, but humanity ends in a nuclear winter, so every country in the world has a stake in keeping the peace?
/s, but I really don’t have much hope for peace, sadly 1 year ago
"One cuts, the other chooses." Just like kids and sharing birthday cake. 1 year ago
I do not believe there is an ethical or practical way to resolve the conflict as the political forces on either side want nothing but the complete removal of the other side from the land they see as theirs and theirs alone. 1 year ago
[deleted] 1 year ago
Did you just start this thread so you could tell people they’re wrong? 1 year ago
If there where no plans for those jews to create a country inside an already populated person. Arabs would had no problem with them. Jews are minority in Tunisia and are living peacefully with muslims 1 year ago
Israel has made many attempts to share the land and has allowed to them live in territories within the land for decades
Bruh, they're annexing the West Bank. If that's your idea of sharing, I'n dying to see an example of bullshit. 1 year ago
Tell them you are big gay if you fight 1 year ago
I would increase the landmass on Earth such that the Earth itself was only 50% ocean. I would do so in a grand display of power utilizing some sort of ancient and supreme Titan, one that brings into undeniable question the foundation of all world religions and even evolution itself. Now having shown that I possess the power of a god. I would descend upon Israel and the surrounding lands and demand all of them migrate to one of the many new landmasses, so that I may reign in my new palace from a place of former conflict, symbolically showing that increasing the amount of landmass in the world helps end conflicts. Should any people resist, I shall simply displace them forcefully with a shower of Precipice Blades. The water displaced for the new land masses would be evaporated into the atmosphere, leaving behind a large amount of salt and eventually precipitating back down as fresh water. While in the atmosphere a large amount of the Earth would be covered in dense clouds cooling it and causing an Ice Age that staves off Global Warming, but creating harsh temporary conditions that the Israelites and Palestinians must learn to live and overcome together as they worship their new god… Me. Eventually power will corrupt me and I will grow tyrannical. Then the either binary son or daughter of an Israeli-Palestinian couple will stand up to me, capturing other beings of power to fight me in a grand battle, at the age of 10 uears old. 1 year ago
You can’t solve centuries of racism and hate when it’s deeply religious.
That said, assuming whatever I was happens, I’d close the borders and let it figure itself out. They’ll sort it or our figure out how to survive without imports or exports. 1 year ago
Buddy, that’s going to lead to genocide… I say as a genocide is currently taking place. 1 year ago
Yugoslav style socialist state based on the shared identity of the levantine people and their continual exploitation by outside interests. If it didn't work in the Balkans, surely it'll work in the levant right? 1 year ago
We’ve tried colonization before and realized it was wrong. Maybe a good start would be tostop Israel from colonizing the territories surrounding it, and tie financial aid to this condition? 1 year ago
Gandhi would say that Israelis should raise Palestinian orphans, but to be sure to raise them as good Muslims 1 year ago
I’ll take a stab at it. Without trying to wish away things that can’t be wished for.
Transition the administration of the contested area (mandatory Palestine basically) over to a secular representative government. With peacekeeping provided by the UN. The secular government should be completely separate from any religion, but have the right to religion as part of the Constitution.
Encourage massive economic integration between the different ethnic populations. There will be civil turmoil for quite a while, but we’re winning slowly, demonstrating the people the future is better together. It’ll probably take two or three generations until things settle down. So we’re looking at an occupying force for 40 to 60 years.
To add legitimacy to this government, they should have a truth and reconciliation panel covering and forgiving all of the crimes of the past, they should objectively, and harshly come down on any land crimes, hate crimes, religious persecution, religious exclusion, that happens inside the country. 1 year ago
That is probably the best solution, but the devil would be in the details. Who would decide on the government? If it is via democratic elections, then the Jews would have a clear majority and could push for policies favoring them. If it is the UN, I believe Muslim nations are the majority and can influence policies to further Arab interests.
Also, it would not take 40-60 years of not just living as one nation, but forced integration. It would require not just living in the same areas but doing something as drastic forcing all marriages to be interfaith. You would need to destroy people’s identities as Jews or Arabs and replace it with a single national identity.
Remember, they were one nation for the last several decades of the 20th century and it just made them more hostile. 1 year ago
I think if you look at the entire population, the Jewish makeup 4 million, and the Palestinians about 8 million. When you sum up the populations across both countries.
One problem of direct democracies is the tyranny of the majority. So that would have to be addressed here with some sort of representative government, and a strong constitution that doesn’t allow one group to run rough over the other group. It would be the devil in the details, but it’s important 1 year ago
Do you mean to say we should instate Palestine in charged of the contested area, or a separate nation made up of Israelis and Palestinians?
Reason I ask is the reason the land is contested, the 3 or 4 wars after the formation of Israel where Palestine allowed forced in through the southern pass. After Israel won, they held the land and now guard that pass which is the continuing issue. 1 year ago
Well given that Israel does not want to make Palestine independent country. For a variety of reasons. I was moving forward with the only viable solution being a unified country, with a secular government.
Mandatory Palestine, includes all of Israel, all of what is currently considered Palestine, and a bit of the territory of Jordan and I believe Lebanon.