I love Avocado. When I go to the store I’ll pick out a green one that’s firm, and I’ll eat it once it starts to get slightly soft. The problem is more than 90% of the time they’re no good. They have a gross taste, almost like it’s spoiled. I can’t blame the store, I’ve tried Aldi, Walmart, Kroger, Trader Joe’s and they all have the weird gross taste. Maybe it’s the supplier, the type of avocado (hass i believe) or maybe it’s just me. By the way the only reason I try and try again is because our avocados are cheap. .65-85 cents and I get one a week. (Maybe my region is getting garbage avocados?)

Anytime I go to a restaurant and order anything with avocado, it’s always perfection. I would rather eat a good avocado than any desert and this is coming from someone who loves desert and doesn’t eat as many fruits or vegetables as I should.

So what should I be doing to get a good avocado from the grocery store?

I’ve tried googling and following those directions but nothings working. Maybe Lemmy knows something Google doesn’t?