- Comment on Bad news for Starlink: Earth’s atmosphere is shrinking 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 3 weeks ago:
As a former 8 year old Cub Scout, bows are incredibly hard to use. I was an excellent marksman with a rifle.
- Comment on Mass Layoffs Begin at NOAA 4 weeks ago:
6%. Those on probation so new hires and newly promoted.
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think - Technology Connections 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, I’m here for a reason. It takes a lot of blocking/filtering too. But the reason I am here is my desire for “algorithmic complacency”. I like to spend some time mentally wandering.
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think - Technology Connections 4 weeks ago:
I’m so glad this was algorithmically recommended. Thanks lemmings!
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 5 weeks ago:
Yeah my microwave operates on a timer, not a clock
- Comment on Anne Marie Hochhalter, Paralyzed in Columbine Shooting, Dies at 43 5 weeks ago:
Bitterness is like swallowing a poison pill and expecting the other person to die
- Comment on Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, quit after the Justice Department told her to withdraw corruption charges against Mayor Eric Adams. 1 month ago:
Better to stay and obstruct
- Comment on A New Generation of ‘Unbeatable’ Fake IDs Is Bedeviling Bouncers 1 month ago:
The whole reason it’s 21 is MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), and it’s tied to federal highway funding. So, to amend it, along with lowering the drinking age, they should raise the driving age to 18. They have the highest accident and fatality rate already. Might as well allow legal adults to do legal adult things, like drinking, or driving in a way that could kill somebody.
- Comment on How much of my sleep debt do I need to pay off? 1 month ago:
This sounds about right to me. I was awake for 7 days without sleep, and it took about 7-9 nights of >9 hours of sleep to feel normal again.
- Comment on Asteroid 2024 YR4 Could Strike Earth, Researchers Say, But the Odds are Small 1 month ago:
We will know more in 4 years when it makes a close flyby and gets tugged by our gravity.
- Comment on Democrats Are Losing the War for Attention. Badly. 2 months ago:
There’s an attention war now? The only way to win that is with ear plugs, filters, and ad blockers. Or just read a book.
- Comment on How This Billionaire Couple STOLE California's Water Supply | The Class Room ft. @SecondThought [08:08 | DEC 20 2022 | More Perfect Union] 2 months ago:
7x7 is 48 square miles, and four times that is about 200 square miles (520 sq km). But the area would be 14x14 miles.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 2 months ago:
The rich don’t care about money, they care about capital. They want to own every house, automobile, factory, and natural resources. Money is a very temporary store of value so more assets can be purchased.
- Comment on If a hostile country has installed a puppet leader to dismantle your government from the inside and the only thing that would expidite its destruction is a violent revolution how do you combat this? 3 months ago:
Weaponized incompetence?
- Comment on Good ear protection for concerts. 3 months ago:
I’ve used Mack’s Hear Plugs at a couple concerts. Inexpensive and the music actually sounded better and less muddled than full volume.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 3 months ago:
Well we don’t want cancer or drugs in blood. But the current screening criteria for blood donations are kinda crazy. Travel to certain countries, tattoos. They should just test for the stuff they’re worried about directly: HIV, Hepatitis, and Malaria. Not that it matters since it’s illegal to buy/sell bodily fluids.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 3 months ago:
Blood banks. “Your blood saves lives”. Is actually “We can sell your blood to hospitals for $200 per pint”. Check the salaries of the non-profit blood bank CEO and board. I would gladly share my blood if I’m paid $100 per pint, or if they gave insurance vouchers for a free pint of blood, to avoid insurance charging $1000-3000 to get a pint back. In fact they could just call it “blood insurance” where your premium is paid in regular blood donations.
- Comment on Will the price of Freeze Driers go down? (USA question) 3 months ago:
You could DIY by freezing your food and then putting it in a vacuum chamber that can handle a lot of moisture. There’s a very detailed video about the second part and if I’m not mistaken you’d only need to freeze the stuff before hand to get freeze dried.
- Comment on It's December, what are your favorite Christmas movies? 3 months ago:
Better Off Dead
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 3 months ago:
There’s still some active tar pits. I’m surprised nobody is intentionally trying to become a fossil. It would be cool to do some weird shit to mess with the aliens who find your fossil in 10,000 years or so.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 months ago:
Most of the stuff you read doesn’t matter. What matters is how you treat people. Eat good food and smile, enjoy the rays of the sun which burn us all equally. Bask in a hot shower. Go outside, where you can’t see any other people for a few hours, and listen to the sounds.
- Comment on California voters reject Prop 32, raising the state's minimum wage to $18 3 months ago:
We have lawmakers for a reason. A multimillionaire, owner of Blue Apron, crafts his own bill and we should pass it? Our lawmakers should work on a real solution. Sometimes short cutting the debate and compromise process isn’t a good way to make laws. California will increase minimum wage again, worry not. Maybe they’ll have to think about it every other year. Maybe that’s a good thing for them to spend time on, until people can actually afford to life here.
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 3 months ago:
And if your son is old enough, and a virgin/incel, maybe buy him an evening with female companionship.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 4 months ago:
I understand. For each individual there’s going to be a limit to what is reasonable or even affordable to make their body work for them. Some people wear glasses while others choose contacts while others opt for lasik. Maybe it’s similar for somebody who has these feelings. Some find contentment being a feminine gay man, some are straight but want to cross dress, others want hormones, and some want more.
But understand for me that line is way more toward “au natural” than mainstream society. I don’t think women should shave body hair and I don’t like cosmetic surgery or even makeup. I think high heels and even pointed shoe aesthetics for men and women are wrong. I don’t like men who shave their face. I hate perfumes and strong scents on people. But my wife shaves her legs because she wants to and that’s fine.
I can’t really tell you how I would be because I am not. I will defend trans rights and I will defend the right to get face tattoos. But I wouldn’t want my child to get a face tattoo. But I would still love them if they did. All I’m trying to say is I understand the fear of the conservatives. And I think it’s wrong to expect the government to ease that fear by limiting options for those who want to feel comfortable being themselves.
But at the same time I don’t really want to encourage kids that they can be whatever they want, because there are some biological limits for each person and it’s worth acknowledging and accepting those limits. Some people can’t learn to sing, while for others it’s natural. Some people are clumsy while others can excel at many sports at a high level. Some people are incredibly sharp thinkers and others are better with their hands. My own personal view is that life is easier if you find your own path within your constraints. Hopefully my kid adopts my values, but maybe not. That’s okay too.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 4 months ago:
How to be supportive without being encouraging. How to stand firm without being inflexible. How to allow freedom but also supervision. There’s no manual for this stuff, and it seems like “experts” write advice for the extremes, not for the middle ground.
- Comment on California voters reject Prop 32, raising the state's minimum wage to $18 4 months ago:
If it’s a band-aid fix, raise it by $2 to kick the can a couple years. But if you tie it to inflation you’re signaling that you’ve solved the problem of minimum wage.
- Comment on California voters reject Prop 32, raising the state's minimum wage to $18 4 months ago:
I worked for minimum wage at $7.25, at a time when I didn’t have to pay my own living expenses. Anyway adjusted for inflation/CPI that would be $13. It wasn’t anywhere close to enough then, and it’s not enough now. I don’t have the math in front of me but if you factor rent into it, minimum wage should probably be around $25/hr for a true livable wage. As it stands now minimum wage is a poverty wage suitable for secondary income only.
- Comment on California voters reject Prop 32, raising the state's minimum wage to $18 4 months ago:
CPI is basically half of inflation and less than half of most people’s cost of living. Do you spend more on food or rent? Does the cost of food determine where you live and how far you commute?
By passing this “once and for all” bill, legislators won’t spend additional time on this for like 10 years at least. I’d rather have them keep working on it every year until they figure it out.
- Comment on California voters reject Prop 32, raising the state's minimum wage to $18 4 months ago:
I voted against it because it tied minimum wage to the consumer price index, but not to the cost of living. CPI measures the inflation of goods and services only, not the cost of housing. Housing costs have outpaced inflation. We need to set a minimum living wage based on rent and food. If corporations and foreign investors are allowed to own housing, this problem won’t get better. We don’t need a law that is instantly outdated, and keeps people in poverty.