Thanks for the gift article OP, but I can’t read it. That was the worst day in American history for me. I watched ALL of it. Can’t even look at pictures.
For Many of Us, Jan. 6 Never Ended
Submitted 1 month ago by to
Comments 1 month ago 1 month ago
I will never not be mad about that day. Fuck those idiots and all the idiots who let him back in 1 month ago
But we can’t let him rewrite history.
“Fight like hell”… 1 month ago
Take all that anger, grief, disappointment, and fear, and push it towards action. America has no king, America needs no king, and we can still say no to Trump. These next four years are going to suck ass and may end our democracy, it may even end our planet as the window to act on the climate closes. But we can’t give up. If we give up we simply ensure human history has been for nothing. If we give up we seal any and all chances we might have. 1 month ago
Kings tend to rule through their networks within the aristocracy, winning loyalty through patronage and through dispensation of special favors.
The power of the presidency is, at it’s heart, the power to appointment federal officials, to direct the spending of public money, and to regulate trade (not unlike that of a king). I’m not sure how you intend to stop Trump from appointing new judges, new cabinet secretaries, or new generals. I’m not sure how you “say no” to how Trump allocates federal money or imposes tariffs.
You’re going to need to put more on the table than “We can’t give up!” I’m not sure what we’re giving up that we had to begin with.
What are you asking people to do that they haven’t been doing already? 1 month ago
Stop missing him? 1 month ago
Sometimes change comes from within. Other times you can’t discuss the real solution in public.