Do people really sit down and watch 30 minute videos on this type of crap?
3 minutes and I MIGHT have wanted to check it out.
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Do people really sit down and watch 30 minute videos on this type of crap?
3 minutes and I MIGHT have wanted to check it out.
ah. you’re the reason sharts are replacing good content. good to know
So did you watch the video? Does it take 30 minutes to answer that question?
These videos are more than one narrow, they give demonstrations, examples, visit restricted areas and get to touch reallly cool machinery. This isnt a 3 minute speedrun world record stretched to a 45 minute video.
Even those 3 minute speed runs can be 45 minutes long because they’re explaining all the glitches and tricks they’re using in the run and showing all the nuance you wouldn’t get in just the 3 minute run.
The title just doesn’t describe the content
Do people really sat and watch hours of engineering or cultural content . Well yes autistic people exist and learning things is cool.
Yes, I do.
Why would you announce to the world that your attention span is so short and your interests so shallow that you can’t possibly fathom anyone watching a 30-minute video on an interesting topic?
Were you raised on an iPad?
Lol look at the community name… 🙄
It doesn’t say “Videosthatarewaytoolong”
I’m glad people can see in 30 minutes a lot of the metallurgical and chemistry techniques I learned in my University days.
I think TikTok may be more up your alley, though I would not recommend it.
If it’s entertaining and well presented I could and have watched videos like this that are multiple hours long.
Also why do you think this is crap?
Yes. I watched this earlier today.
Why did you sit down and type this comment if you’re so concerned about wasting your time?
Veritasium has made high production value drivel for years. The flashiness he insists on is deeply annoying and I kind of find his personality off putting lately. He wasn’t so smug back when he first started and I used to love him 2 months ago
TLDW: skipped through until 25:47: the rail doesnt lengthen it just extends to the tops and sides.
This could have been a 5 minute video. All that “Whooa”-Shots and leadup was not needed but is the American way of storytelling: Very talkative and getting amazed by every detail. 2 months ago
He’s so American that he’s actually Australian 2 months ago
I didn’t know I needed to be Dutch to use the Dutch angle perspective in my photos.
Or a cowboy to use the cowboy shot.
Using a method named after a place or something does not mean being from that place etc 2 months ago
I bet his main viewership is American and that is why he makes the videos like this. If it were for his home turf it would contain way more slurs and accent. 2 months ago
It’s a shit title because the video us actually about metallurgy and thermite welding, not track expansion and contraction. 2 months ago
I’m subscribed, when the video came out something along those lines was the title. They likely changed it because it performed better with viewers. 2 months ago
I imagine this guy watching a vsauce video going “oh god there’s so much irrelevant shit”. I like that these videos are about being curious about one thing and discovering other things for it, rather than being about learninga single fact. 2 months ago
That isn’t really true though. He never talked about ‘sun kink’ which is a thing. Apparently mostly due to poor ties and bedding.
There’s a neat discussion I found on some forum
So it appears the topic wasn’t able to be covered fully in 30 minutes, let alone 5. 2 months ago
Yeah in Melbourne several years back we had a heat wave that fucked up a bunch of the train tracks.
Isn’t the thunk-thunk as you’re travelling the wheels of the carriage passing over the expansion joints?.