- Comment on This letter from "Friends of Zion" my grandmother received today 1 week ago:
Absolutely zero chance this person recognizes Trump blew up the nuclear deal with Iran, simply because it was signed under Obama. Some of use are cursed with remembering the past.
- Comment on Why doesn't phones numbers have a "DNS" servet so we can just type in words like we do with the internet? 3 weeks ago:
In practice the stagnation of IPv6 it seems to be a recognition of the unintended security that NAT with IPv4 adds. From a security perspective, having every device use a public IP and trying to prevent malicious software from simply opening whatever ports it needs per device would be another attack vector.
- Comment on Why doesn't phones numbers have a "DNS" servet so we can just type in words like we do with the internet? 3 weeks ago:
In the internet age where scammers across the globe can and will use personal information to target you for social engineering scams, it is better from a privacy perspective to have phone numbers be information you volunteer to people. Before widespread internet it made sense to give out numbers in the White Pages because physical mail forwarding was the other option to find people when their phone number changed. If a scammer can simply go down a list of most common names and a number string they can more easily make it appear they have a fake Amazon delivery, PayPal transaction, or other fake alert customized with their name. Most people will not use their critical thinking and it’s a big enough problem already.
- Comment on Bill proposed to outlaw downloading Chinese AI models. 5 weeks ago:
BRB about to make a derivative of this shirt Image
- Comment on Why don't railroads need expansion joints? 2 months ago:
I think TikTok may be more up your alley, though I would not recommend it.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Reliable bank account 3 months ago:
I’ve used the free online banking from Charles Schwab as well as Capital One for years and don’t see any fees. Schwab refunds any ATM fees for withdrawing cash, even internationally last I tried. Capital One does have a large partner ATM network as well.
- Comment on Why do so many people choose mail in ballots when there appear to be so many potential failure points with them? 4 months ago:
A really important point is some voting machines are ‘ballot marking devices’ which give you a human readable paper ballot with your choices (good) however the actual counting is done using a barcode or QR code (bad). There is never a good reason to prevent voters from verifying their ballot has their intended choices, yet Republican secretaries of state have fought in court to use these absurd machines.
- Comment on New York Times Tech Workers Go on Strike | The Times Tech Guild represents more than 600 software developers and others who run the back-end systems behind The Times’s digital operation. 4 months ago:
I would assume everything is running via containers which are load balanced and get recreated on crashing. Also I believe Google/Fastly is their CDN (load balancer)
- Comment on Would it be weird if I took something my neighbor put out for trash? 5 months ago:
If a neighbor asked me I would be happy it’s not going into a landfill and offer to help carry it
- Comment on schizoposting irl 8 months ago:
This gave my brain a tummy ache
- Comment on Soup 9 months ago:
Well they’re dead
- Comment on Morish Morals 10 months ago:
There were also plans to construct a device to turn the planet’s food supply into rocks, which were axed due to budget cuts.
- Comment on The last thing I need is to get pulled over because some used car dealership didn't submit the paperwork 10 months ago:
I would also badger the dealership and check the status, because they might say, “we forgot to submit the paperwork for your plates.”
- Comment on Describe your gender using only US states 1 year ago:
My name is Ted Cruz, and my pronoun is kiss my ass. Or kiss Trump’s ass. Or just be an ass, depending on the day.
- Comment on "Fun" competition 1 year ago:
I enjoyed the delay while one person put on their safety squints to check for falling barrels
- Comment on Skip brushing your teeth by combining it with breakfast 1 year ago:
No onions, jalapenos, or relish either, just raw dogging it
- Comment on Yum 1 year ago:
Baby wolves also lick their mother’s face to signal them to regurgitate food
- Comment on Yeah, Yeah, wait what? 1 year ago:
It’s spelled Vagina Convention
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
- Comment on why host your own files when someone else can do it for you 1 year ago:
My first thought when I read this was of playing with the hinged mirrors of a medicine cabinet and forgetting which reflection is real
- Comment on Amazon coupons: what's the story? 1 year ago:
An old man is selling watermelons. His pricelist reads: 1 for $3, 3 for $10
A young man stops by and asks to buy one watermelon. “That’d be 3 dollars”, says the old man.
The young man then buys another one, and another one, paying $3 for each.
As the young man is walking away, he turns around, grins, and says, “Hey old man, do you realize I just bought three watermelons for only $9? Maybe business is not your thing.”
The old man smiles and mumbles to himself, “People are funny. Every time they buy three watermelons instead of one, yet they keep trying to teach me how to do business…”
- Comment on How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose? 1 year ago:
I just keep a dedicated pair of pliers on a hook in the bathroom
- Comment on How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"? 1 year ago:
Who is this Abe? It sounds like an honest name
- Comment on What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 1 year ago:
All of our NES games were bargain-bin. Section Z was the only one we had with a decent soundtrack, which made up for how often I died
- Comment on Found on the dark web 1 year ago:
Disconnect your router’s connection to your Internet service provider, and then ping another device in your house. You are now on the dark web
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Do you prefer stepping in dog shit?
- Comment on why isn't the use of the bidet more widespread? 1 year ago:
I’ve had no issues with the cheap $20-40 USD bidets from Amazon, while I’m sure the fanciness of a heated bidet would change my life I don’t see the need.
- Comment on Most motorists want noise cameras installed to clamp down on loud cars 1 year ago:
Next thing you know these pencil pushers will be wanting to record how much lead is in our water