if you are under age this is abuse and you should contact CPS of your country.
If you are ove age just get the fuck out of there, wtf are you even doing?
Submitted 2 months ago by to
if you are under age this is abuse and you should contact CPS of your country.
If you are ove age just get the fuck out of there, wtf are you even doing?
You should calculate how many hours you work for him. Maybe you could actually do this as a real job and earn a living wage.
I might have a different definition of „good life““ than you, but money != a good life.
Do you have cars in your country? If so consider moving into a vehicle and converting it out to both gain freedom and remove rent from the equation. Its not easy or feasable for everyone but perhaps an option to consider. If your family has big back yard maybe put down a four season tent anf move into it so you don’t have to deal with them.
Do all those things, but do a really terrible job. If he wants it done better, he can do them himself!
If and when you can leave, RUN and don’t look back. I’m sorry that you have to live with such an asshole.
I can see why your mum left. Is this something you want to change, or is it something you’re willing to put up with? Do you work as well? If you do, is it feasible to split the cost of a maid or similar?
I guess if he puts out (as in he pays the bills) it’s worth it. Just keep your mental health in check and know this shit isn’t normal. If he wants to charging rent or some bs then remind him you earn your keep by pampering his ass. Good luck to you!
Try to think of it as your part time job to pay for school. At least you also benefit from the food and such, you kind of set your own hours, and you’re not dealing with the general public like a retail job.
I don’t know anything about Romanian culture. Is that wife plus younger sex partner kind of an older norm? There’s a term in French or Italian - something about happy hours or 6 o’clock girl, something like that, for the fling time between work and dinner with the family.
I gotcha. That’s rough, I’m sorry to hear he was such a shitty husband. It’s probably true that a job would be more demanding and take more time from your studies, so all up it sounds like you could be in a worse spot, and at least this is family and you care about him. It’s good of you to help him like this; working all day often gets overlooked as a source of major fatigue. I can’t say I don’t relate to some degree, I just order delivery when I’m tired instead of demanding my wife do the cooking.
Still, this is hardly anyone’s dream life. I hope your studies go well and you’re able to get out on your own soon!
This isn’t mildly infuriating. It’s extremely infuriating.
Dang, at least tell him to say please and thank you
Get some brass knuckles for your defense. 2 months ago
Can’t imagine why she left. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Damn. I know you love him but your dad sounds like a dick.