Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 15°C, max - 28°C. 95% chance of no rain
That person who let me borrow their portable air con swing by today. Old unit. Reckon it’s about as old as me, but it is indeed blowing out very cold air. Unfortunately all my windows are basically floor to ceiling, so I’m gonna need to cut some cardboard and tape it over the fly screen to stop more outside air coming in. And it’s just my luck I’ve lost my duct tape in the move, so I’m gonna have to make do with very thin cello tape
Anyway, very thankful for something. My electricity bill is not going to be, but I’m hoping I might be able to convince the landlord to take the gov up on their rebates for decommissioning gas heaters and install a split system in its place, even if that means offering to cover part of the costs 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago
If temporary fencing just means those metal barriers with lumps of concrete on them to keep them stable, like the ones at construction sites, would they even be able to stop you?
I don’t see how it would be any different to putting the birdbath up in the first place. Unless you’re in a set of flats or something, or the front yard is shared/common property. I’m pretty sure the law specifically states you have “the right to quiet enjoyment of premises”, which, even if the landlord isn’t the one violating it, should mean you are allowed to take whatever steps reasonable and necessary to ensure that. I said should not does though
(Sorry if this is all obvious or you’ve already tried this. More of my 2c/what I’d try/do than trying to push you into anything) 3 weeks ago
Could be someone who doesn’t want wildlife hanging around rather than deliberate vandalism. It’s wrong that someone’s come onto your property though. 3 weeks ago