Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re going to have to actually talk to your friends.
Depending on your level of discomfort, you can do it in a group setting, “Hey, how come you guys always use belittling language towards me, it hurts.”
Or, you can ask face to face, but that might be more stressful, or it might not, I cannot speak for you or your friends. 2 months ago
The fact that you posted this question without any context on how old you are really, what you look like, how you behave, may be a clue as to your maturity. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Insurance companies don’t bill people as adults until 26 because our brains don’t finish developing fully until then and we make poorer choices in a statistically significant way until then.
So while the legal age of adulthood is often late teens to early twenties, the reality is you still probably act young in a way that older people pick up on.
When I was 21 I felt like I was an adult. But I wasn’t even finished growing, and looking back from 40 I was young and dumb and it was obvious to everyone but me. 2 months ago
Maybe the no swearing thing is part of the reason?