2003 year old furry open source enjoyer, graphic design, ui/ux design, inkscape, gimp,xfce,he/him/they/them/xe/xem, gay!!
- Comment on i want to visit the u.s because the person i love lives there, what can i do to get money and get a visa?? 13 hours ago:
thank you very much for the advice, he wants to visit me but he has to find a job and stuff. and now that i think of it, perhaps visiting the usa right now is strict… i’m safe right here in where i live and i live ok and i don’t want to get deported or have problems with american officers!!
- Submitted 15 hours ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Why is Lemmy only popular in the western World? 2 days ago:
is mexico the western world?? yea!! i’m a westerner
- Comment on does someone who lives very far away from me (for example 1900 miles) see the same night sky as me? (as in moon, stars, etc) 2 weeks ago:
math amazing!!
- Comment on does someone who lives very far away from me (for example 1900 miles) see the same night sky as me? (as in moon, stars, etc) 2 weeks ago:
yea me too!! the night sky here is very nice because the stars are soo bright and the moon is bright too, that’s the advantage of living in a calm city with not a lot of people!!
- Comment on does someone who lives very far away from me (for example 1900 miles) see the same night sky as me? (as in moon, stars, etc) 2 weeks ago:
thank you very much
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 27 comments
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
a lot of people on lemmy have called me a troll… or that they suspect i’m a troll… i’m sorry but t’s sad but i understand it, and i’ve had this account for 2 months now so… no troll!!
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
thank you a lot
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
i’m sorry, it was a shock for me at first, i should just learn about how that does not matter. thank you!! i’m not trolling or anything
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 30 comments
- Comment on why was 1995 video games console very pixel art graphics but music was high quality and images were great??, 3 weeks ago:
you’re correct actually. thank you very much, just different technologies too
- Comment on why was 1995 video games console very pixel art graphics but music was high quality and images were great??, 3 weeks ago:
thank you very much!! factual!! they were different technologies then ok!
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 17 comments
- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
it was a verified iq test with a lot of questions, logic, math, etc
- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
it’s just a metric test yea? thanks
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 32 comments
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
no please don’t!!
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
everything just screams “14 y.o girl” first of all i would like to tell you that i am, in fact, a 21 year old person who well, honestly i do like to type that way because 1. it makes me feel more human and definitely more connected to people and 2. it totally fosters a sense of honesty and makes me look more like a real person which, i am!!! and 3. everything’s hyper?? well i’m sorry, but what would you expect from a person that is heavily involved in cool stuff like linux and programming and ui/ux design?? everything’s gotta have some sense of coolness or radness, which i am always trying my best to give.
adults are usually more reserved and “battle-worn” i apologize for this but i won that battle a long time ago and even if i lose to life itself then i will still get up with that same energy and that’s something most people should learn about and apply to their daily lives, i really enjoy doing this and i hope everyone in the world learns how to be that truthfully. thank you.
i’d also look at the wardrobe, especially if you’re of smaller stature i am 5’10, i may have the height of a 16 year old but i am in no way a 16 year old, i’m sorry. oh and my wardrobe?? it’s full of fruit of the loom t shirts of various colors and a lot of comfy cotton pants and well that’s it.
additionally, being an adult is often about taking responsibility. Sucking it up and doing the right thing oh… well, i deeply apologize if i have not been doing that, but i have been doing that, i accept that i have, i’ve sucked up my pride and i have done and said the right thing, i don’t want to sound like i’m bragging because honestly there’s nothing to brag about here, but i promise you that i’ve done that and i will keep doing that. thank you so much for the advice
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
i did get checked that before but they said no, no autism for me!!
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
i will not stop being a furry, i deeply apologize. i shall stop or at least try to stop saying the word “like”. i am grateful and i appreciate it
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
but i am growing up and besides i have no other way of talking,i’m sorry, i’m still learning too but thank you for the advice!!
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
yes, i posted it again but that’s because i feel like i deleted it too soon, also really?? more mature at 14?? woa!! yea!! that seems like a very cool thing
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
most of the people i know are my same age or just a few years older, a very good friend of mine is 19 tho, and yea i think i look young, and i act ok, no swearing, stuff like that
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
ok thanks, but i’m 21 yep!!
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 63 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
woa you’re right, i mean now that i see it yep we’re all humans
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
thanks you’re right!!!
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
yea it’s about culture not race, that’s the truth