People who make low effort AI bashing commentary videos, but it’s just them reading a script over some stock footage. You shouldn’t be making worse content than and AI my guy.
What’s wrong with using stock footage for its intended purpose? How do you expect people to provide visuals for their commentary video outside of this? Draw or film it themselves? How would ai be an improvment? 2 months ago
False. 2 months ago
Many of them really consider their spoken part to be the majority of their content, the stock footage is there to keep our attention, it isn’t necessarily the whole point of their channel and lets them get their points across without spending tons of time or money on their own footage. Many of this style of youtuber will also include charts, graphs, or diagrams when relevant between the stock footage. It gets them more views than some boring powerpoint style presentation between graphics. 2 months ago
Yes, I agree. I’m often interested in what they have to say and the charts and graphs are a major bonus.
Stock images as visual filler don’t bother me.
This is 1000x better than an AI video. 2 months ago
May I direct your attention to: 2 months ago
You may not.