Remember that before democracies, people in power really faced no censequences
Remember that legality and ethics/morality is not always the same thing.
Lets not talk government for a bit .
Say, you have an anarchist community. People just minding their own bussiness. You see someone has a thing you want but you don’t have. What happens if you take that thing? The person is not gonna be happy. Imagine if someone toom a thing you owned, you’d feels the same, right. That’s why you dont steal.
And if anyone finds out, you ger your entire community not liking that someone has been stealing, since they also would not like that happening. So there will be consequence whatever the community decides to do.
Same thing with killings, you don’t want that happening to you or people (or pets) you care about. So you should not be doing it. And again, if the community finds out, you’re in big trouble.
Now even when you have a higher authority like a government, there can still be vigilantism.
Even in modern society, if you kill someone and somehow get away after getting caught. You might esacpe the law, but you might face a vengeful relative of the person you killed.
So there is still possibility of consequences.
Even politicians can face assassination attempt. I mean I do not advocate that stuff, but like if politicians piss of enough people, there can be a revolution that gets them killed.
TlDR: You should still refrain from doing bad things because (1) A society that tells people its okay to do that would lead to people also doing that bad deed to you, and (2) You can face vigilantism / mob justice (however unlikely it maybe, there is still a chance and you don’t wanna take that change). 3 months ago
Put simply, by helping them to understand that morality and the Law are separate concepts.
I’ve said it for decades at this point, but we really need to add philosophy to our standard curriculum; this is one of the big issues that would help address 3 months ago
YES!!! I’ve been saying it too! I’d leave out metaphysics other than an introduction to what it is with an example or two. We are seriously lacking in epistemology. I would focus it mainly on epistemology and ethics though.