It wasn’t apparent gunshots, it was a full on assasination attempt. The shooter hit his ear, there was blood on his head while SS got him to his car. An inch to the left and you’d all be celebrating.
This will be downplayed by the media, won’t it?
Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
It wasn’t apparent gunshots, it was a full on assasination attempt. The shooter hit his ear, there was blood on his head while SS got him to his car. An inch to the left and you’d all be celebrating.
This will be downplayed by the media, won’t it?
It may have been breaking news and no information was out when it was posted but idk.
And while I wouldn’t have been disappointed, it would’ve also been scary, so no, I won’t be celebrating. This is a horrible event. Trump should lose at the polls fair and square and face his legal debt.
Sane take, thanks
Funny really that his protection squad are the SS.
This exact reason is why they normally go by the USSS
Literally the same for every (ex)president
it’s not being downplayed dawg it’s the media doing due diligence. this was breaking news at the time they have to wait till, usually multiple, reports verify the story.
We call it the USSS for reasons that should be obvious to a German
We too make jokes about it being called SS
If you see them at the IHOP they are called the “Waffling USSS”.
Also accepted is just saying it phonetically like “Us” but with a lisssssp.
I’ve also heard that the glass from the teleprompter cut him and the bullet didn’t graze him, which would explain the big slashes of blood all over his face.
I mean it could be either at this stage but it wasn’t necessarily as close as that.
It would be one of the less awful timelines if Donald was unable take up the Long Knife which the corrupt SCOTUS has set out for him.
I’ve heard that country is proposing a new Olympic sport called shoot the president. It’s been known to happen a bit too often. 7 months ago
Trump literally said “take the guns first and go through due process second”. He is the charicature of a “gun grabber” that right wingers think Biden is.
It doesn’t matter though, they’re not consistent. It’s not about ideas. They know a leftist or a black or brown person with a gun will get mowed down by police and they will be left alone by cops even after shooting someone.