This is good to know. Like quick sand, as a kid I thought piranhas would be a much more common problem than they are.
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
Quicksand is still a thing, like freshly poured foundation or mud at the bottom of a pond. 9 months ago
Quicksand was never a problem for me, but growing up on a farm, soft mud was often a problem for me. Good news is you can pretty immediately tell when you’re walking through the stuff and can just…turn around. Worst that happens is you lose a boot, and that genuinely sucks.
But it’s not the kind of thing you step into and you’re up to your knee in 2 seconds. 9 months ago
But you don’t sink all the way into it 9 months ago
Also extremely easy to fish. 9 months ago
Applies to snakes as well.
Slight tangent, but it always cracks me up when in movies they show a pit of venomous snakes and it’s a bunch of pythons and colubrids. Even better when they add hissing and rattling in post lol. 9 months ago
“They mostly prey on the weak…”
Whelp. I’m fucked.
Jokes aside, I’m worried about everything else in the rivers. Like, the anacondas. And stuff.
Good news is they don’t eat junk food… 9 months ago
Your meme forgot goofy underbite 9 months ago
They’re super pretty fish that have really cool colors and a face that’s so dumb it’s cute.
One of the reasons I like Jeremy Wade “river monsters guy” was an early episode where he put a bunch of pirahnnas in a poll and stuck his feet in, then started walking around, then im pretty sure even put some blood in the water to disprove their “feeding frenzy” myth to show they were harmless.
They’ll try to attack you if they’re starving which is sonethingthey have in common with literally every other animal. 9 months ago
Ready or not, like it or not, here they come again… 9 months ago
A friend who works at a zoo told me that once a co worker fell into the piranha pool while cleaning. They couldn’t be found for weeks. The piranhas that is. They were too scared to come out of their hiding places. 9 months ago
I’d feel guilty too if I was a piranha that ate the hand that cleaned their tank