Alternative title: NSW cops murder a kid because he ran home when 4 people in plain clothes pile out of a car and accost him. For wearing a hoodie.
If an officer’s mental health condition’ is so severe that they can’t testify in court, MAYBE THEY SHOULDN’T HAVE A FUCKING GUN. 9 months ago
If we ever want to be able to have a just police force, this sort of thing needs to be considered sufficient evidence of intent to commit a crime. Either you have a body camera on, *or you are a civilian
The whole the article is incredibly damning; an illegal stop, a “proactive policing” policy which can so obviously only ever lead to injustice, violation of the right to walk away, targeting without sufficient evidence, police lying about callouts on the radio 9 months ago
Yeah like the consequences on one side: idk a kid with a can of spraypaint gets away? maybe worst likely case someone runs off with a handbag of replaceable, material, things.
OTOH a child is murdered under shady circumstances and the killers get off due to lack of evidence. 8 months ago
I think you’re seriously understating how scary something like that can be to the victim, to be honest. 9 months ago
Yeah, like this part:
WTF? If he had a “serious mental health condition,” why the Hell was he working as a cop?! 9 months ago
If police don’t have a working body cam there should be an automatic presumption of guilt on their part. 9 months ago
is body camera footage available to the public? if not, i don’t really see the point.