Be carefull with that title. There’s a lot of linux users here.
I miss windows
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
Me a gen z will probably inherit my parents 's basement 1 year ago
He couldn’t even afford to live in a dumpster. 1 year ago
I feel super fortunate to have bought on 2018. I definitely couldn’t afford my house today. 1 year ago
Leave the filthy polluted city. And whatever you do, don’t swim across the river. 1 year ago
Urban people, suburban people and rural people don’t need to hate on each other’s built environment, neighbourhoods and homes. Industrialised societies (that includes all three) produce and emit filth in enormous quantities in and to all places. 1 year ago
No one in a city or suburbs is thinking about rural areas besides, “Oh that looks relaxing.” But people in rural areas talk the most shit like yelling, “Enjoy sniffing each other’s farts!” to a passing jet. Then crying about wanting to leave Toenail, AL. 1 year ago
Not sure if you’ve ever been near a dairy farm before, or like I used to live near a sugar beat factory, plus pesticides, or lung destroying dust season during harvests. Have you seen what agricultural runoff can do to a river?
We’re all dealing with pollution fam it isn’t exclusive to cities. On a broader note urban and rural areas both have various issues so for a lot of people it is just down to which ones you’re willing to put up with. I’ve lived mostly in small farming towns but I’m in a city now and it suits me much better. I’d rather work to improve what I’ve got here than go back. 1 year ago
As someone out in the country, it’s not much better. 1 year ago
Wages are usually much lower in rural areas (if there are even jobs available), so this still applies. And, as others have said, there’s plenty of pollution caused by farms and factories in rural areas. I grew up in a rural area, and still remember the seasonal smell of cow manure, and the river that was so polluted you could only eat 1 fish per month from it. I also got a check from a class action lawsuit because a waste disposal facility caught on fire and spewed toxic smoke all over a 50 mile radius. And a local factory got caught just dumping toxic waste in the ground. 1 year ago
City, town, country, doesn’t matter because I can’t afford it!
On the real real, I work full time and make more than I ever have in my life. The apartments I live in are falling apart and the owners don’t care anymore, it used to be a nice place. My mom’s helping me look at new places because she wants me out as much as I do. There isn’t anything I can afford. My parents are going to have to help me with rent if I want to get into anything that isn’t another shithole. I’m 33, college educated, live in one of the cheapest states in the cheapest city, I work from home, I work for fuckin Apple for christ sake, I’ve done everything right and yet I still can’t afford to live. 1 year ago
Let me guess. American south? 1 year ago