- Comment on New Portal pinball table may be the closest we’re gonna get to Portal 3 2 days ago:
That looks awesome. It would look a little out of place next to my other pinball machines, as they’re vintage. But I’d still love it. I don’t want to have to sell two watches to afford it, though. That’s pretty expensive.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
How could I forget K&E. Nice slide rules, too.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
I love 0.3. I would love a Rotring one if they made it. My only one is an Alvin Draftmatic.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 3 days ago:
If I HAVE to use a ballpoint, it’s going to have to be a rollerball. Like the Uniball. But really, I’d take just about any fountain pen over any of them.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 3 days ago:
Damn straight. Best pencil I’ve ever had. Well, the 0.5mm. I write too small for 0.7.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 3 days ago:
Pentel used to be my pencil of choice, too. You’d probably want something more like the e-Sharp. The one pictured is really more of a precision work one. Drafting, art. Less for long-form writing.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 3 days ago:
Wtf is this shit? No Rotring. No Alvin. No Koh-i-Noor. I guess I have to take the GraphGear, but it’s under duress.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Well, I’ll give that a try, too then. Thanks for investigating! At least it’s not just me that can’t get it to work.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
I’ll definitely check out OPL-PC-Tools, thanks! HDL Batch Installer just hangs on open, checking for updates. I have been running Mint since November. I can’t get OPL manager to launch at all. Regular Wine, Proton, nothing. I’ve tried brand new prefixes with fresh .NET runtime, it just refuses to start.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
The ONLY thing I still apparently need Windows for is running OPL Manager and HDL Batch Installer for my Playstation 2 hard drives. Can anyone point me in a direction of Linux alternatives? I managed to get WinHiip running in Wine, but it can’t see the PS2 HDD from Wine. Pretty sure I need something that runs native, and for the life of me I cannot find anything. Which is really surprising to me.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
I love Midnight Club 3 so much. That and Black just seemed (to me) to just push the envelope of what the PS2 could do. They’re gorgeous. Black can output 480p, and even with all the crazy physics and detailed textures, it never seems to experience slowdown.
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
Meals like this are exactly why I don’t ever use condensed soup in anything I make. I’ve had a lot of meals like that growing up. My family, my grandparents, my friends families… My wife still will make stuff like this sometimes. It’s all just lazy mush to me. I can’t stand it. Even my mother-in-law, who makes her own soup stock and makes bread and has her own chickens will make condensed soup and canned green bean mush. I just do not understand.
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
Similar experience in rural Michigan, same time period. I’m sure that’s how my mom grew up as well. Fresh veggies were quite available out there, but we still got canned. My grandma wasn’t a great cook, and even though my mother has a ton of fantastic skills, cooking isn’t one of them.
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
Oh man… my mom called it “rice stuff.” It tasted like it looked.
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 4 weeks ago:
“The music is reversible, but time is not. Turn back, turn back!”
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 4 weeks ago:
Wipeout 3 had an awesome soundtrack. I’ve probably listened to it more than I’ve played it.
- Comment on My mom lying her ass off about me to her friends so she can brag [Day 73] 1 month ago:
It’s from The Room, it’s a
fantasticmovie - Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
A lot of people can get a good handle on the cut segment of the course, but when it comes to the uncut they seem to slip right through the cracks.
- Comment on I'm sure everyone remembers 1 month ago:
Thank you. Thankfully, she didn’t pass from covid, it was the culmination of her dementia. She didn’t even know there was a pandemic going on. Covid did affect me visiting her, but I did still get to say goodbye we. I was even one of the 10 people allowed at her funeral. She hadn’t been well for a long time, and it was really unfortunate that she didn’t pass before the pandemic, and more of her relatives would have been able to be there and we could have really celebrated her. I loved her dearly, and she deserved so much more.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
Ah, I do recall that tale from my old life in that place. The beforetimes.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
It’s just minor radiation exposure. Only 3 mSv. That’s barely 30 chest X-rays, or 150 seven hour flights!
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
Wait… dickS?
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
My father was a penis inspector, like his father before him. He had to work for years at a penis factory to get by, working long, hard hours. All while taking penis inspection classes at night. When he finally graduated, he said it was so satisfying to tell his boss he was quitting, and that from now on he would be inspecting his work. He went on to be the best penis inspector in our county, and oversaw Penis Inspection Day at 4 public schools and 7 private for over three decades.
The fact that they think they can automate this entire proud profession with one scanner in a public bathroom is an insulting joke. It’s a single camera! How will it check the underside of the shaft for melanoma? Can it check the foreskin for proper length and cleanliness?? How does it check erection durometer? Not to mention urethral diameter. For fuck’s sake.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 1 month ago:
Because my S10 died a day before a business trip, and they had it in-stock.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 1 month ago:
Oh, I have the 24+, I guess. It’s way too big. The S10 was an OK size, but I want smaller than that even.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 1 month ago:
No way. I have an S24, and this thing is huge compared to my S10. Which was already bigger than I wanted. The last phone I’ve had that I liked the size of was the S6.
I definitely would love a 4.2" slab.
I thought about the 1 IV, because it still had a headphone jack. But there was a deal going for the S24. That’s how they get ya.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
How are you doing? This is pretty big news.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Oh, no. It’s phone calls. I have no problem talking to people in person. Or via messaging apps. I detest phone calls, though. I don’t even like talking to my wife on the phone. Just text me.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 1 month ago:
Battlefield 1942, especially with the Battlegroup 42 mod.
- Comment on I will take no arguments 1 month ago:
I submit my transparent purple TI-83, and Tiger Game.Com.