People with broken flight or fight responses (usually due to trauma, not always involving loud noises) hawe issues with the loud pop, even when you know its coming causes the flight or fight response and takes a lot of effort to calm yourself down.
Its not scary per se, its aggravating a broken somatic response. 1 month ago
Hyper sensitive people can be terrified of them. It’s kind of funny in a mean way, like tossing a firecracker at an unsuspecting friend. 1 month ago
Tossing a lit firecracker at an unsuspecting friend is a bit beyond mean.
And the biscuit tube is frightening. Sometimes, I chase my girlfriend around with a half-peeled one. 1 month ago
The little metal end part can become a projectile and hit you in the face. 1 month ago
Surely that attachment is significantly stronger than the sidewall. Even if you tried I think you’d just split the sides along the spiral impression and couldn’t launch the top 1 month ago
They always go flying off when I use the “smack on the corner of the counter” method of opening them 🤷🏻♂️ 1 month ago
Well don’t face the metal part towards you then! 1 month ago
Sounds fun to me. I would laugh if it happened to me.