Comment on Cetaceans ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Not pictured: The dynamic and eternal back-and-forth in the comments section of that article where Wikipedia purist nerds do battle with Wikipedia’s cadre of silly gooses.

Purists hate that “cetacean” is used here and feel that the silly gooses are diluting the information on Wikipedia for a pun. They also complain that visitors to that page will be confused by the term, and that it will cause the social credit of Wikipedia as a whole to wane in the eyes of the world.

The gooses want the purist nerds to take a chill pill. I’m with the gooses. If the purists knew how often scribes in ancient times doodled pointless things like mounted snail combat and wildly exaggerated dick drawings then I’d presume they’d be happy with a minor joke like this one, but I guess you can’t please everyone.
