- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
mustard on the beat, yo
- Comment on Shipping fandoms when it's Season 5 and their OTP hasn't sailed yet [Day 59] 5 weeks ago:
Don’t worry about it.
- Comment on Cetaceans 2 months ago:
Not pictured: The dynamic and eternal back-and-forth in the comments section of that article where Wikipedia purist nerds do battle with Wikipedia’s cadre of silly gooses.
Purists hate that “cetacean” is used here and feel that the silly gooses are diluting the information on Wikipedia for a pun. They also complain that visitors to that page will be confused by the term, and that it will cause the social credit of Wikipedia as a whole to wane in the eyes of the world.
The gooses want the purist nerds to take a chill pill. I’m with the gooses. If the purists knew how often scribes in ancient times doodled pointless things like mounted snail combat and wildly exaggerated dick drawings then I’d presume they’d be happy with a minor joke like this one, but I guess you can’t please everyone.
- Comment on Newsom Moves Quickly to Counter Trump in California | Gov. Gavin Newsom called the Legislature back to the Capitol for a special session to bolster civil liberties, reproductive rights and environment 3 months ago:
I hope not. We need an actual progressive to try and run. Newsom IMO is a corporate centrist posing as a coastal liberal, in the same vein as Feinstein. Lots of liberal friends but when the chips are down they choose to support big businesses and not the people living in their state.
- Comment on clown car let's gooo 4 months ago:
that phone bigger then he goddam he
- Comment on "It was one of those perfect summer days which, in a world where everything was on track and on the beam, you would never forget." 5 months ago:
That’s a cool illustration of a great scene from The Dark Tower series! It’s a good read if you’re down for reading a finished series.
- Comment on Vince Vaughn on Why His R-Rated Comedies Aren’t Made Anymore: “People in Charge Don’t Want to Get Fired” 6 months ago:
Off the top: I’d say Palm Springs, Free Guy, Deadpool movies, Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent and the Weird Al movie all were movies that came out recently, were funny(IMO), and primarily marketed to an adult audience. In the child friendly vein you’ve got stuff like Barbie, the Chip n Dale movie, Encanto(or any recent Disney movie) and so on. Just because it’s made for kids doesn’t make it any less funny.
Comedy is out there, but studios don’t seem to be going in for the old raunchy comedy formulas any more. This is not a bad thing in my estimation. Lots of old comedies like that(revenge of the nerds, superbad, Austin powers) don’t age that well because some if not all make light of subjects that today are seen to be no laughing matter.
- Comment on Vince Vaughn on Why His R-Rated Comedies Aren’t Made Anymore: “People in Charge Don’t Want to Get Fired” 6 months ago:
There’s plenty of space for comedies that don’t punch down or belittle people. The fact that nobody wants to roll the dice to see if they lose their jobs because Vince Vaughn’s movies do that frequently shouldn’t be a mark against their character. The fact that they are greedy movie execs with massive paychecks stolen from actors and studio crew should be.
- Comment on Anon is ready to propose 7 months ago:
This fucking cookie joke I knew when I saw the first one it was coming and still made me laugh.
- Comment on Caves of Qud gets a huge new Beta released with the big UI redesign 9 months ago:
Live and drink, friend.