Comment on 1+1= 2 weeks ago
The secret to good engineering is to know when 1+1 should be 3 and when it should be 1.
Comment on 1+1= 2 weeks ago
The secret to good engineering is to know when 1+1 should be 3 and when it should be 1. 2 weeks ago
Sometimes 1+1 is 2, like when you’re counting stuff.
Sometimes 1+1 is 1, like when you just need a Boolean indicator of whether something is true. Pressing the elevator button multiple times should behave the same way as pressing the elevator button once. Planning out a delivery route requires a stop at every place with at least one item to be delivered, but the route itself doesn’t change when a second or third item is added to that stop.
Sometimes 1+1 is 0, like when dealing with certain types of rotations, toggle switches, etc. Doing a 180° rotation twice is the same as doing it zero times. Same with doing a reflection transformation twice.
A good engineer understands the scope of what they’re doing, and its limits. 2 weeks ago
Pressing the button multiple times should make the elevator go faster. 2 weeks ago
With no limit. I wanna turn this skyscraper into a moon-cannon. 2 weeks ago
At a minimum it should make the fricken doors close. 2 weeks ago
Tell that to Factorio, Satisfactory, and Dyson Sphere Program players.
Also, Relevant Username? 2 weeks ago
Hey, we still follow this principle. It’s just that the scope is “an entire planet” and the only limiter is my prescription of Ritalin. 2 weeks ago
Adderall here. Ritalin turned me into a zombie. 2 weeks ago
Probably. I don’t even know how I came up with this, but I do love me some logic.