I think he made decent enough content when the competition wasn’t particularly fierce, then kept coasting on the early adopter acclaim.
Comment on [deleted]
LouNeko@lemmy.world 4 months ago
I realy can’t judge a person I don’t know personally, but I sure is hell can judge their content. And for Asmonds videos and streams, there’s just nothing there. There is literally zero content. You know those memes that imitate Joe Rogan, well here is one for Asmond.
“Yeah, Yeah”
“They way it is, is actually…” *blanket statement*
“Yeah, Uh Huh, No”
“Well actually…” *other blanket statement*
“What I would do is…” *some nonsense*
“Yeah, Yeah, Uh huh.”
Continues to pause and unpause a 10 minute video over the course of an hour.
That’s basically it, it’s almost an anomaly how content like that can get somebody filthy rich. It ads zero value to the platform or any of the viewers lives. I can even excuse other creators doing their YLYL challange #547, because it at least involves humor and engagement. But if Asmond would disappear over night, I bet not only would nobody miss him, there wouldn’t even be anybody to replace him, because his success is a straight up anomaly.
All these shitty reaction streamers are literally standing on the great shoulders of Filthy Frank, Jontron, early H3H3, early Idubbz, Cinemassacre, Ray William Johnson, etc. But those at least had weight behind their reactions, with bits and actual production behind every video. Those reaction streamers literally sit on their ass watch videos and somehow people pay them solely to hear their opinion, what a sad existence on both ends. To be frank, this is barely a step up of those YT shorts of a guy just staring into the camera while the top half of the screen shows some random video. I know YouTubes moto was “Broadcast Yourself” but some people really shouldn’t take that to heart.
lennivelkant@discuss.tchncs.de 4 months ago
TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee 4 months ago
Say what you will about him, but he still links to the videos he reacts to, allowing me to immediately click on them if a recommendation for his reactions ever pop up. I think our monkey brains still try to look to see the reactions from the group (hence karma scores) to determine how to approach a topic, and they fill in the void that is absent in streaming platforms. So now, we have more personality cults than ever before and the hidden agendas that try to subvert them to their interests (Cambridge Analytica, now Emerdata, only one example because only they were brought to court).
Still, opinions aside, reaction videos should be forced to share revenue with the original content creator. And if its supposed to be criticism, they should learn how to do it without reaction videos. Only the platform can really begin to do this.
answersplease77@lemmy.world 4 months ago
Not only ignorant, he’s disgustingly evil. His shocked O face clickbait “reaction” spam content is all over youtube algorithm and it’s impossible to avoid. This is the type of people preteens/teens online look up to and eagerly mimic their opinions.
I’ve been clicking ‘Not Interested’ on all his thumbnails for over a year but Youtube still keeps suggesting his shitty content to me even though I never watch any “streamer X reacts to bullshit” video in my life in first place. It’s the lowest effort and stupidest content on the internet. Unless you were a professor or an expert in such field and were making a weighted statement on given topic, why in the fuck would I care streamer X reacts to bullshit in something he never trained or learned shit about.
This Asmdouchbag, on top of being an ignorant self-absorbed unsympathetic wealthy sociopath making statements such as “Thanks God I’m American because we have the superior culture and the most well-off in the world compared to these third-world peasants,” on top of that he never studied any history degree or have had any life experience related to this. HOLYFUCK STFU you uneducated ignorant unsympathetic sociopath and keep scamming your poor kiddy audience for donations playing games
ICastFist@programming.dev 4 months ago
I hate that youtube lacks any means to block entire channels
LouNeko@lemmy.world 4 months ago
I wish YouTube allowed for blacklisting words in video titles for your feed. I swear if I see another “*insert vtuber* broke everyone by saying *insert mildest sexual innuendo*” I’m gonna loose it. What also sucks is that YouTube shorts got entirely integrated I to twitch, so the clips you see posted of any streamer is most likely some 3rd party clipper channel leaching off the actual streamer. Which means spam goes up, quality goes down. Sure its awesome for the streamer, they get a lot of traction and new followers but at the cost of their content flooding other platforms through reposts.
ICastFist@programming.dev 4 months ago
Yeah, having a way to define certain themes, tags or whatever to be completely blocked off would be great. My first use would be for blocking certain music, but also most roblox and minecraft gaming content. I end up watching mostly english gaming content because pt-br seems completely dominated by roblox and minecraft, the algorithm almost never suggests actually similar channels or videos and there’s a never ending number of roblox shit.
I suspect most of the roblox shit came because of that People Make Games video, which is super ironic.
Feathercrown@lemmy.world 4 months ago
I make pretty liberal use of the channel blocks
LouNeko@lemmy.world 4 months ago
The problem is also how YouTube compartmentalizes the content. I like the Alveus Sactuary Channel, Maya Higa has probably one of the most noble causes for streaming. But because she’s related to OTK, YouTube thinks it’s fine to blast me with the full dose of their cringe drama. No amount of “not interested” or channel blocking is going to solve that, because there’s always gonna be copycat clipper channel reposting the same twitch clips over and over.
It’s funny how YouTube killed early short form animation channels (which was arguably peak YouTube content at the time) in favor for long form content, but then introduced Shorts. But those barely pay anything so people either rehash their 10+ minute video into 20 YT Shorts or spam AI generated garbage en masse. There’s also apparently no copyright enforcement on those shorts, since you can essential watch the entirety of a 2.5 hrs movie in segmented shorts with shitty music layered on top.