I mean do you really have to suggest him that? He’s gonna get hooked like we all did
In any case W3 gwent is actually kinda crap in terms of balance but that just means you can own them super hard at some point
Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me?
eezeebee@lemmy.ca 4 months ago
PLAY GWENT. The minigame became somewhat notorious because it’s really good - you can spend dozens of hours travelling the world and just playing cards.
I mean do you really have to suggest him that? He’s gonna get hooked like we all did
In any case W3 gwent is actually kinda crap in terms of balance but that just means you can own them super hard at some point
Yooo, Triple Triad anyone?
Is it common for people to save scum or is that blasphemy?
It’s your game you do as you please. I would definitely save scum
I only save scummed the Gwent tournament as it’s a one-shot type deal. The rest of the game there was no need as it autosaves frequently
If I have played someone a bunch or am on a quest then definitely. Otherwise I try to keep it like live cards. Remember you can always cheat IRL too! It’s up to you if/when/where
I didn’t finish the game because I am still playing gwent haha it’s that good. I would look up which cards you can only get from quests because you can’t get them afterwards. Just look up a mapping for quests to cards (no spoilers of course). I am on mobile and can’t find one currently
I’ve literally got a save file prepped where I rushed getting to B&W before doing literally anything else so I can play the whole games’s Gwent with the Skellige deck when I decide to play it again. You don’t get enough time with it and it’s such a fun deck!
tfw_no_toiletpaper@lemmy.world 4 months ago
I have done literally zero Gwent quests after the first match and even googled one time how to remove quests because they were annoying in the journal (you can’t)