- Comment on Surgical tools used during the Civil War 3 days ago:
I wanna know what that lil axe thing is for
- Comment on Games to play with my late 40s brothers? 3 months ago:
Enshrouded, Chained Together, Payday 3, Risk of Rain 2, Helldivers 2
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 4 months ago:
If I have played someone a bunch or am on a quest then definitely. Otherwise I try to keep it like live cards. Remember you can always cheat IRL too! It’s up to you if/when/where
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 4 months ago:
I didn’t finish the game because I am still playing gwent haha it’s that good. I would look up which cards you can only get from quests because you can’t get them afterwards. Just look up a mapping for quests to cards (no spoilers of course). I am on mobile and can’t find one currently
- Comment on Prime time 4 months ago:
Mike Johnson denies aid -> Logan Paul gives it. He’s literally better than MJ. Never tried it but it’s probably pretty bad.
- Comment on Why is it that when I write on Googles keyboard on my phone and misspell something it has no idea what I am trying to write but if I Google the same word it knows instantly what the word is? 6 months ago:
Get one with a swiping feature (not sure if yours has it already). They are way more accurate with autocorrect. I think I used SwiftKey when I was on Android
- Comment on Spooky fishing sim Dredge is making a surprise visit to Dave the Diver next week 1 year ago:
Looks like it is just for Dave the Diver. I wish they would have added it for Dredge too somehow but I was pretty happy with their recent DLC
- Comment on 'Suits' Was Streamed For 3 Billion Minutes on Netflix and the Writers Were Collectively Paid $3,000 1 year ago:
- Comment on Are vegetarians allowed to eat their own bogeys? 1 year ago:
I suppose one can’t be 100% vegan without completely going off grid and producing everything themselves. Modern vegetable farming techniques result in a large insect loss. My used car has leather seats. I can’t afford to buy a new one without them. Medicines these days say if they are vegan or not.
There is a large difference between causing rape/child theft/murder (dairy) murder (meat) and accidental insect killings though
- Comment on Are vegetarians allowed to eat their own bogeys? 1 year ago:
Send the brigade
- Comment on Are vegetarians allowed to eat their own bogeys? 1 year ago:
I believe the answer is yes. Most vegans are vegans because they don’t want to exploit or harm any other creature. Picking your own nose implies that you consent to that activity and are not being exploited
- Comment on Would you all prefer lemmy as a whole reaches the userbase of reddit, or to remain smaller? 1 year ago:
I didn’t mean to imply that all lurkers were like that. Yeah I think everyone browses conversations without engaging to a certain degree. Its what makes posts great! It’s just a little disheartening getting downvoted a bunch for speaking an opinion with no replies. If I’m gonna downvote something I usually try to respond
- Comment on Would you all prefer lemmy as a whole reaches the userbase of reddit, or to remain smaller? 1 year ago:
The people here seem generally nicer and more engaging. The level of content is pretty solid but it will be hard to grow the niche type of communities that people relied on for quality information without growing significantly. That will then attract the lurker style people who I’m guessing were responsible for a lot of the negative things about Reddit. Downvoting without commenting, commenting fluff, etc