Stop, you’re making me cry.
I set up one of the first Echomail nodes in my country and was pretty active in the days the internet started. It was such a community effort, and seeing people start to grab hold and use it was a complete rush. To see what it turned into is utterly heartbreaking, but I guess it was predictable.
I see everyone talk about how we need to drive Linux adoption, and I get scared as fuck about what that would mean to Linux in 20 years. I don’t want to see that community vaporize the same way. 4 months ago
Bill pay. Maps. WIkipedia. Every Song Ever. Every Movie Ever.
There is a lot to like about the contemporary internet. Perhaps people are less grateful now. 4 months ago
“every re-run ever” - except when streaming platforms decide to delete stuff forever arbitrarily, because they give zero shits about preservation. 4 months ago
That’s what piracy is for 4 months ago
Just download it then! I just got Infinity Train! 4 months ago
Well. I think it might be worth checking again what I wrote. I was quite clear in that I said there's a not lot to like, not that there's nothing to like. If I didn't get anything from the modern internet, I'd not be here posting these comments.
I'd like to pull you up on the point about free e-books. Project Gutenburg was in its second decade by the time most home users got online. So that's hardly a contemporary internet exclusive, it's almost as old as the internet itself. Also, communication about weird hobbies is certainly not unique to the contemporary internet. We just did it on open services not controlled by corporate entities. Corporates that only run the service in order to sell your data.
As for a few of the things I don't like? Well. Ads everywhere (including those containing malware), constant hacking attempts for anyone running a server (ssh/sip/www very commonly hit with some protocols getting 100+ hits per second), AI crawlers scooping up the whole internet without any care about how they impact transit fees or user experience, licensed purchases (streaming services, games, etc that can be taken away at a moments notice with zero recourse for the user), terrible user agreements for EVERYTHING especially regarding privacy with no way to reject since ALL companies offering similar services have the same damned agreements, subscriptions on everything everywhere and increasingly so, having to click to reject cookies everywhere and knowing they're still building a profile about me whether I like it or not just in order to throw more adverts my way.