The same thing happened to me. I did not know it is a common thing! I was told I am autistic, but it turns out I have CPTSD. I think telling me I was autistic it was just an easy was to blame the ways in which I responded to being traumatised on me again.
Comment on Anon gets diagnosed 5 months ago
YO, my mom did this to me! In fact I figured a lot of this shit out when I found r/raisedbynarcissists. I saw a lot of people there claimed to be on the spectrum which I thought was pretty weird. So I follow the rabbit hole and I learn about PTSD, CPTSD and I start seeing a therapist about it. Turns out she just didn’t want to be responsible for fucking up her kid. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Is it not common for people with autism to develop cptsd though? It could be possible you have both right? 5 months ago
No it’s more likely that my emotionally and financially abusive car stealing, gaslighting, steal-money-out-of-my-wallet-while-I’m-sleeping parent just didn’t want to be held accountable for her shitty “parenting.” Also the multiple expert evaluations that say I’m not diagnosably autistic. But I guess I should listen to the guy that analyzes people’s mental health based on a four sentence internet post uninvited, right? 5 months ago
I think you don’t really mean these words and you are subconsciously projecting your mother onto an unknown person on the Internet.
Here’s some cocain to calm your nerves. 5 months ago
Yes it was a genuine innocent inquiry. Didn’t mean to offend. 5 months ago
Yoooo, I’m AuDHD and my father was a raging narcissist (possibly psychopath). Additionally, I’m currently recovering from CPTSD after a hell of a lot of recent emotional abuse. I get the intense emotions feeling invalidated brings up. They’re legit and justified. As a survivor of that insane childhood and environment, it hurts to see others go through it because I know how bad it can be. Other people will never be able to understand it if they even believe you, so I’m sorry you went through that. You were just a kid, and no matter your reactions and behaviors at the time, it wasn’t your fault. It couldn’t have been your fault because it’s all you knew.
Sometimes though, people are only asking a question to gather information and clarify, not build a case against you, imply that you’re “wrong”, and make you look like the “crazy one”. I can’t speak on their behalf, but I think was just asking to understand better and didn’t mean anything against you by it. If that’s the case, then while your reaction makes complete sense, you might have better outcomes if you were to practice assessing situations and responding in a way that helps you reach your goals. This would give you more control over your life while compassionately validating yourself. It would also help you avoid the trap that narcissists lay when they trigger you to act out to make you look unhinged. So either way, unless you’re in immediate physical danger, staying calm and collected is the best move.
Also, my intention is merely to help you. I am not trying to insult you, imply fault, or make any judgement on your character. We all make mistakes sometimes (I still make them all the time), so it is completely understandable. All it means is that you’re trying, and that’s something to be proud of considering the history of what you’ve been through. I hope this comment helps you ❤️ 5 months ago
ha,** thar’s** an autistic answer me gusta 5 months ago
It’s just that some of us are autistic and have had wrong parenting, only due to various kinds of stigma our parents, on the contrary, only looked for confirmation that we (and them) are “normal”. So please consider that. 5 months ago
This response feels autistic.