mansplained like a true splain
Comment on MSc Mansplaining 5 months ago
Before all this online psyops I think neither men or women would have cared about this. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Your comment is a good definition of the toxic culture that made all of this stuff controversial.
You can’t even explain a thing anymore.
Or did I mansplain here again? Lmao 5 months ago
Previously to the word mansplaining this was just men being sexist.
I’m surprised Oldsplaining doesn’t exist as a word. 5 months ago
True, mostly igorned this post because it wasn’t particularly funny but it was OK, just came back to it getting ratioed. Now I’m thinking to myself what a timecapsule of a post this is, not heard mansplaining since 2016 yt commentary left vs right stuff. Also saw a comment wishing that they forgot about straight people lol. This comment section is worse than politics posts on !memes. 5 months ago
Running commentary would still have the same concepts, just not encapsulated in a single word 5 months ago
This has always happened to women. I mean, men do it do men too, but other men counteract that by doing it too. As a cis man I’ve encountered way too many cringe worthy situations from my fellow men.
If you’re never experienced mansplaining you might now actually know what it is about. 5 months ago
Oh yes. Only men mansplain. It’s in the genetics.
Do trans men also mansplain? They’re biologically female, so they might be incapable. 5 months ago
It isn’t only men, it is just the biggest group.
Us men are taught that our opinion is always valuable. A noble goal I am sure.
But women still get too many “go back to the kitchen” comments whenever they give their opinion. From the more sleazy and sexist people around.
Yes, every person has the potential to mansplain, but the group that gets attacked for it the most (even if it is not called mansplaining) tend to do it less. 5 months ago
As a man I’ve been told no one wants my opinion since the 2000s so I’m not sure where you’re getting this from. 5 months ago
You went off the rail when you used “women” and “men” instead of “people”.
I’m not exactly sure which one is more frequent, the behaviour itself or the accusation thereof as thought- and conversation-terminating cliche, but both suck donkey ass. OTOH it’s not some special grand thing in itself, either, it’s plain old failure to relate and communicate. 5 months ago
Of course it sucks when both do it. But one group does it far more often. Your argument sounds like the “all lives matter” of “black lives matter”. 5 months ago
With “one group” you presumably mean egocentric people in general, and nothing sexed. Because otherwise: Citation or you’re a sexist. And with “citation” I mean “controlled for perceptive biases”.
Plenty of citations for racial bias by US police so no, it really shouldn’t. Side note though: The moment the assclowns came up with “all lives matter” the BLM folks should have jumped on it and used it themselves. It’s a much more powerful message, and impossible to argue against. With the momentum they had they could easily have drowned out the racists. 5 months ago
It’s like men are more into logic than women.
Who would have thought 5 months ago
Buddy, you just went off the rail when you decided that means anything other than specifically including both genders in the ‘not caring’ category.