PS: I think it’s not good to joke about killing people, even shitty people.
Then it’s time to stop joking
Comment on Compost 7 months agoComposting is a specific set of chemical processes that take place in a hot, highly oxygenated environment with the proper mix of nutrients for microbial growth. It is not comparable to ordinary decomposition in soil.
Composting can destroy prions, but it might be different to ensure you’ve destroyed all of them. Read more here:…/can-composting-destroy-bse-prio…
PS: I think it’s not good to joke about killing people, even shitty people.
PS: I think it’s not good to joke about killing people, even shitty people.
Then it’s time to stop joking
Who’s joking about it?
This is a war, people die in war. If our enemy doesn’t want to die, let them forfeit their “power” and surrender.
Well, I was trying to be charitable. People who seriously want to murder people they’ve never met have serious emotional problems and should seek therapy.
It’s not about wanting to murder people you’ve never met, it’s about wanting to defend yourself and others.
These people are actively waging class war against us, and they hold all the power while letting the planet be destroyed.
It is imperative they go ASAP, if they won’t go voluntarily the other option is by force.
It’s not at all the same. Violent self defense is acceptable because it’s an instantaneous decision with few options and no time to consider alternative strategy. It’s not because murdering bad people is totally fun and cool.
Yes, bad things are happening, and radical actions are justified, if they improve the situation, and if less harmful options are unavailable or ineffective. But we could spend the entire next year debating and discussing how to defeat and destroy the power of the rich, and if we come away with a successful strategy, everything would be fine. It’s not the same as Elon Musk cornering us in a dark alley with a gun. The people collectively have far more power than the ruling class, and that power, in the present time, is most effectively wielded non-violently. We still have plenty of time and power to act, if we organize.
I don’t find this argument that going on a murder-rampage is the best strategy compelling at all. This type of behavior has never produced better living conditions any time in history that I can think of. These violent fantasies have nothing to do with the organization and action that will solve our problems, and instead act as strange fantasies for disturbed people, and to convince people that leftists are all violent weirdos.
I think you will find that war isn’t a very useful metaphor for this kind of conflict.
Does it really have to be? A class war (as actual war) has to be better than any other sort of war 7 months ago
To be fair, nobody said you had to kill them.
Just cut off parts as needed for food, or bury them in a deep composting pit.
At that point, they might die, but that’s on them for not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. 7 months ago
I’m not sure you want any of it for food if there’s a risk of prions 7 months ago
Eh, the risk isn’t exactly high. Totally worth it for some fresh long pig