Comment on If I live in a red state, would it be better to vote for rfk to take votes away from trump? 5 months ago
No. Vote Biden.
If you can spare the time or money, volunteer and donate to the campaign in places they can actually win. 5 months ago
It’s a red state. No chance of anything but a Trump win.
Please explain why their “not TRUMP” vote should be given to Biden? 5 months ago
Being a red state doesn’t guarantee a Trump win though. In the last election he assumed Georgia would put him over the top because they are historically a red state but they actually ended up swinging over to blue by a small majority.
There was a huge controversy around it because Trump called up people there and told them tamper with the numbers to let him win anyway
The Republican party is counting on the idea that people forget these things quickly lol 5 months ago
OK, but OP mentioned a Red state specifically. They want a more nuanced answer than “vote blue just in case”.
Assume a state so red, Trump loving and Biden hating that there is no possibility of a blue win. Is voting Biden in that particular state still the best strategy for the future of the USA? 5 months ago
There is never no possibility. Florida is considered a red state up there with texas and gore lost to it from a florida court decision on hanging chads. 5 months ago
To demonstrate the lack of a “clear mandate”.
Yes, Trump will win if he gets one more vote than Biden, but the more he loses the popular vote by, the more justification people have for protesting.
So off he wins on electoral college votes but loses the popular vote by a landslide, at least it shows what The People are actually thinking. 5 months ago
We can just as easily define the popular vote as being the sum of all non Trump votes.
No Trump doesn’t need to be Yes Biden. 5 months ago
It doesn’t matter how you define it. It matters how the people that report on it define it. And almost universally, that’s horse race numbers.
Third parties are pretty much invisible for 95% of people until they start breaking into the horse race.
Nobody have a fuck about Ralph Nader or Pat Buchanan till they mattered for the result of the actual election in 2000. 5 months ago
Because trumpets will always vote Trump. People voting for third party may not be actively supporting Trump, but the 3rd party has zero chance of winning so the only way to keep Trump from winning is to vote for who actually can win against him currently. Which is biden. 5 months ago
Please explain why it should be given to anyone else. 5 months ago
Because there are lots of other people who are not Trump.
Voting for candidates with more extreme policies shifts the political needle, even if they don’t win. 5 months ago
OP has given us no info about the candidates they’re considering other than RFK, who is a lunatic. There’s no merit to encouraging RFK’s views, so Biden should be OP’s choice. 5 months ago
Voting for other candidates only shifts the needle if they win. If they can’t possibly win, nothing is accomplished by voting for them.