Nazis were actually socialists
No more than the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is democratic.
Comment on When creating a story, how many black characters can I create without them calling the story woke? 8 months agoThis is true, but labelling everyone you don’t like or don’t agree with a “Nazi” is not very intelligent.
Being targetted by everyone probably does mean you did something wrong. That’s why actual, real Nazis ARE targetted by everyone.
Nazis were actually socialists
No more than the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is democratic.
They were as much socialist as North Korea is a Democratic People’s Republic.
The Nazis frequently fought against actual socialists and communists during the Weimar Republic period and put them in work and death camps once those got going. They cracked down on workers unions too.
Interesting fact, Nazis were actually socialists. The term Nazi is a shortened version of the german term for National Socialist, which is part of their full name: National Socialist Workers Party of Germany
I found one of the suckers that would vote for the Nazi party because they put {{Popular political ideology here}}
in their name.
Exactly. That’s why everyone knows where to find the most democratic Republic country in the world. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It’s right there in the name.
You have been made a moderator of m/pyongyang 8 months ago
No, they were not. Not at all, not even a little.
You can't eat urinal cake and great danes don't get a vote in the national elections in Denmark.
Sometimes a name is misleading. 8 months ago
That’s right. The name of the party “national socialists” was chosen carefully.
It seems a contradiction in itself, because nationalists would have meant the far right, and socialists would have meant the far left. In truth he wanted to deceive both sides by the name. 8 months ago
Well…. You can eat a urinal cake. I’m not sure why you’d want to, and it most certainly wouldn’t be all that fun.
But you could. 8 months ago
I mean, they were against capitalism, and advicated the nationalization of services like health care and public transportation. These are socialist values. They even claimed many Christians were political enemies of Germany.
Granted, later on it would likely be more accurate to call them “Hitlerists,” because Hitler literally didn’t care about socialism or nationalism and used them only as a stepping stool to get what he wanted. But the point still stands that their values that got their party to popularity were socialist in nature. 8 months ago
No, you got that very wrong.
If you really want to ask for values in their ideology, it was the values of fascism (not much in terms of ‘values’ according to today’s understanding)
But it wasn’t the values that brought them votes at all. It was populism and terrorism. 8 months ago
The Nazis did not hate capitalism.