Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: đŸš” Tuesday, July 02, 2024 ⁚8⁩ ⁚months⁩ ago

Fucking called it!!! Sit down for for dinner last night and the mrs goes “what we we doing this weekend?” “not much, why?” “Well, I got a message from (Couple I complained about yesterday) wondering if we
” “nope! heck no we’re not doing that. Whatever it is, its a no from me.” She stares at me a few seconds “Why?” “We talked about this last weekend babe, we are NOT getting pulled into this shit! the other day was exhausting, i need some space from them”

She goes on to admit the message was very strange and almost like we didn’t have a choice in the matter. I pointed out as adults we very much do have a choice. I so saw this coming, I may not have understood it but I was apprehensive enough to bring it up yesterday I must’ve had a 6th sense.
