In that instance a clogged gutter is still tea
Comment on Tea Time 8 months ago
except… with “pure” tea you don’t consume the original ingredient. (eating tea leaves or coffee grounds? eeww.)
pho, etc you do. ergo, not tea. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Might be cleaner than some people’s tea pots… 😅 8 months ago
Only the juice collected from the underside of the clogged gutter is the tea. 8 months ago
What about stock? Take some bones, spices, and vegetables; boil them in water; and strain out all the solids. You’re left with nothing but a flavored liquid. 8 months ago
Now you’ve got a stew going! 8 months ago
sure, stock is tea. the base of pho is tea, but pho isn’t pho until you at least put some noodles in it. Until then, it’s just ingredients for pho. 8 months ago
Pho is just animal oil/juice suspended. Everything else is like milk, honey, lemon, sugar, etc. that people do consume in tea. 8 months ago
what about the rice noodles, chicken, mushrooms, etc etc.? come on. 8 months ago
So if a deranged person drinks the broth without eating the ingredients, did they then turn their pho into tea? 8 months ago
Pho is just a loose-leaf tea. 8 months ago
No, because you don’t really make tea by boiling tea leaves. Tea is an infusion made from pouring hot water over tea leaves. Not boiling tea leaves. 8 months ago
they didn’t have pho to start with. they just drank one of the ingredients of pho. 8 months ago
As the other person mentioned, the base of pho is the stock which includes steeped plants. So it's tea with some other things thrown in it.