- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
LOL I know how to spell degrees. I probably hit the wrong key and spellcheck autocorrected it to something random. Welcome to 2024.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
That’s not tea, it’s chai.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
Yes, sun tea is tea. I’d really like to see this meme done by someone who actually knows something about tea (and doesn’t think it involves boiling tea leaves)
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
It’s hot pit water.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
AKA Chili.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
I think you’re right!
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
No, the fruit must be squeezed for juice. Soy milk is bean juice, but coffee is not.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
Oh shit. My earl grey (brewed in a ceramic (earthenware) mug) is not tea because it brewed in a mug, not a tea pot.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
The meme is terrible and shows the creator has taste buds that probably can’t distinguish between gutter water and tea (especially after it’s been BOILED a few hours).
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
Thank you. I am horrified that I had to scroll past a discussion of “is pho tea”? to get here. The so-called purist has never even made a proper cup of tea! So obviously pho is NEVER tea, since stock is extensively boiled.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
No, because you don’t really make tea by boiling tea leaves. Tea is an infusion made from pouring hot water over tea leaves. Not boiling tea leaves.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
Water isn’t the ideal temperature. Everyone knows black tea must be made with water that’s 212-210 degreases Fahrenheit
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
I’m sorry, but BOILING? You do not BOIL tea leaves unless you are an absolute heathen. You may pour just-off-the-stove, formerly boiling water over black tea leaves, making the tea about 210 degrees Fahrenheit. But you do NOT put allow water with tea leaves in it to BOIL unless you are seriously deranged.