5 was okay and different, but was definitely the start of the downward spiral.
4 is the best of what civlization has to offer.
Comment on Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Official Teaser Trailer 9 months ago
Between 4, 5 and 6, I don’t even know if I want another Civ game. I usually just play 4, despite having 1-6. 4 is like the peak of the series.
5 was okay and different, but was definitely the start of the downward spiral.
4 is the best of what civlization has to offer.
I thought 5 was quite good with the Brave New World expansion/rework.
I strongly prefer 5 to 6, 6 always felt like it was designed to be played on a tablet.
Civ II expansion was peak. I never felt better than the one time I managed to win as humans in the humanity Vs aliens scenario
That was test of Time wasn’t it. So many fond memories
Apparently I was thinking of ‘Conflicts in Civilization’, which was just a scenario set for the base Civ II game. Tbh I sucked hard at that game back then but in my defence I was too young to really get good strategy and just enjoyed building wonders 9 months ago
I’m glad they moved away from unit death stacks in 5 and 6. I think 5 has the best art direction, but 6 is peak gameplay for me. 9 months ago
Armies in 5 and 6 are kind of underwhelming. Maybe a compromise of having terrain have unit capacities, with various units taking up more space.