Second Wind (old video team from the escapist) has been going strong but they’re still pretty new.
Idk anything about rps but hopefully some of them rally and do the same. 9 months ago
We need more worker owned associations and more workers' rights. This is ridiculous.
Second Wind (old video team from the escapist) has been going strong but they’re still pretty new.
Idk anything about rps but hopefully some of them rally and do the same. 9 months ago
We also need people to realize that it’s not sustainable to expect free content while running an ad-blocker. 9 months ago
The problem is that ad-driven businesses are price dumping by tricking people into using their services by telling them it’s free, and thus killing the market for everyone else. I am not turning my adblocker off. I do not expect “free” content in perpetuity. I expect the “free” content business model to die off. 9 months ago
I don’t. I expect the vast majority of people will continue to demand free content while simultaneously complaining about the quality of said content. 9 months ago
Yeah, unfortunately many people seem to default to complaining about things while continuing to consume what they are fed. And not change anything, of course. 9 months ago
I disagree. Ads are not the answer. Treating them as such is simply giving up. 9 months ago
Agreed, ads are not the answer. Paying for content is the answer.
But people want their content to be free, while also being angry that there free content contains ads. 9 months ago
Bro $4,000 OLED TVs are riddled with rows of home screen ads. What are you talking about that paid content has no ads? ALL CONTENT HAS FUCKING ADS. This has gotten absurd. Fuck ads. 9 months ago
Because content distributors haven't thought of another way to get money. The only other thing they came up with is subscriptions. Some have thought of donations, but they haven't banded together to come up with an alternative. It's weak and totally mid. 9 months ago
i’ll turn off my adblocker when i can be confident that your site won’t show me ads for child porn or actual fucking scams. 9 months ago
And not make the site impossible to use.
Most sites nowadays its impossible to actually read a goddamn article without 5 pop in videos and ad breaks. 9 months ago
This is the big one. people have grown accustomed to an unsustainable system, problem is wages are still so stagnanted so nobody has money for 10 subs to things. 9 months ago
I disable my adblocker on RPS. They also have a subscriber system which works well I reckon (although I don’t partake)