- Comment on Half Life: Alyx is Five Years Old Today 1 day ago:
Your looking at it in Canadian. I’m talking usd. So we’re saying the same thing, just different currencies lol.
- Comment on Half Life: Alyx is Five Years Old Today 2 days ago:
What boxes? The 1k pack comes with two base stations. You mean if you want to add 2 more? Then yea, fair.
- Comment on Half Life: Alyx is Five Years Old Today 2 days ago:
Huh? It’s $1K, not $1.5K. still expensive though for outdated as shit hardware.
- Comment on my dreams in colour 2 days ago:
Holy shit i didn’t see the Alien until now#
- Comment on frenly warnin 3 days ago:
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 3 days ago:
Yea but it’s tenderizing the meat!
- Comment on frenly warnin 3 days ago:
There’s that clown talk again. You sound like such a loser dude. You got any other cringe buzzwords/emojis you’d like to add while you have my attention?
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 3 days ago:
Can I also cook Salmon in the dryer?
- Comment on frenly warnin 4 days ago:
Please grow up man. Seriously. You sound like a clown. No one is going to take you seriously if you talk like this.
- Comment on Late 1900s 4 days ago:
It aounds weird, given that 1994 was like 30 years ago, not like 130 years. I’d personally say “late 90s” rather than late 1900s. If i was referring ti like the 19th century, then yea I may say late 1800s for 1894. There isn’t anything wrong with it, it just sounds weird and makes a lot of people feel old as shit.
- Comment on frenly warnin 5 days ago:
There’s no one more fun at parties than the dude who points out everything wrong that everyone said. I bet YOU’RE fun at parties.
- Comment on Redditors told me to go to a therapist but I can’t afford one nor pick one from thousands available. What now? 6 days ago:
This post makes no sense and has zero context. What clay sculptures? What? Huh? Whg are they saying to seek therapy? Maybe provide even the minimum of context?
- Comment on Redditors told me to go to a therapist but I can’t afford one nor pick one from thousands available. What now? 6 days ago:
No. Just no.
- Comment on How are batteries recycled? 6 days ago:
That’s the neat part… they’re not.
- Comment on After two hours, open world shooter Atomfall is far more Far Cry than S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 weeks ago:
No, just another clickbait gaming article.
- Comment on would getting back with an ex be a bad idea? 2 weeks ago:
Idk why you got down voted. This is the proper response lol.
- Comment on would getting back with an ex be a bad idea? 2 weeks ago:
99.999999% of the time, the answer to “should I get back with my ex” is NO.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
To be fair this dude could have gotten his house 45 years ago for 50K. So adjusting for inflation and overall development of hus, it could make sense. Comparing current payments to cost of money 40 years ago is comparing apples ro oranges.
Now all that being said…there is a serious issue with cost and availability of housing, and I am not dismissing that. I’m just saying context is needed
- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t think you’re coming off hostile at all! This isn’t my domain so I could be totally wrong. I’m open to feedback. Below is my thinking:
I feel like normally it’s the other way around though. People think they’re straight or convince themselves that they are straight because that’s the “norm” that society pushes on us.
Now has there ever been a case where it was reversed like in your example? Yea, probably. But I feel like it’s rare. I mean maybe someone grew up with gay friends and they try to convince themselves they’re gay because that’s what their friends are? Then they realiz they’re straight? It’s possible. Just feels unlikely lol
- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 2 weeks ago:
There are a few possibilities that I see
OP’s ex is gay. She found Christianity and is now lying to herself that she’s straight.
For whatever reason OP’s ex thought she was gay but then realized she wasn’t.
OP’s ex is bisexual
- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 2 weeks ago:
If she used to be gay and is not straight, wouldn’t she just be bisexual? Or am i misunderstanding?
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 3 weeks ago:
Looks blue to me although I’m sure there’s some green blended in there. But yeah, blue.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 3 weeks ago:
Idk about that lol. Maybe. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. They seemed serious thiugh but who knows.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 3 weeks ago:
Don’t waste your time responding to idiots.
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 3 weeks ago:
If it doesn’t then I’m not interested.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Some of them are really well done despite the simple premise. Goldeneye is a fucking kickass movie. And Casino Royale is tense and most of the movie is him playing fucking poker lol. Some of the other movies aren’t as good.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 4 weeks ago:
Nothing. Democrats are fucking useless. They have no power now because they blew the election in every single way possible. They did loterally everything wrong. It was almost as if they tried to lose on purpose.
- Comment on How to stop getting mad about sports? 4 weeks ago:
Then try out for the team yourself. It’s always hilarious when the average person thinks they have the right to say that professional players suck when 99.99999% of the time these people can barely get out of their desk chair without getting tired
- Comment on is this how extroverts function? 4 weeks ago:
Obvious troll account. What is going on with thus community lately? It’s like 99% ragebait troll posts.
- Comment on Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month). 4 weeks ago: