You write like an obnoxious atheist
Comment on Anon ends racism 10 months ago
Well, racism is completely irrational from a scientific point of view.
And this post’s logic makes absolutely no rational sense.
So I believe anon was a racist, they seem stupid enough. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Thank you. But atheists are too narcissistic for me, I’m agnostic. 10 months ago
atheists are too narcissistic
Do you mean arrogant? Because I don’t think we’re narcissistic anymore than we’re self-assured
I’m not gonna try to convince you to change your mind, but I will say that a lot of us atheists hold similar beliefs in a strict sense within the scientific framework that makes us agnostics with every unknown. I think you’ve heard of people saying sarcastically that they’re agnostic of the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus, right?
In a practical sense we simply don’t need to pretend that we need absolute certainty with an omniscient-level of understanding to read between the lines of the reality that’s right in front of us. Take that as arrogance if you must, but there’s reason behind being this self-assured that doesn’t need to be conflated with a sweeping personality trait 10 months ago
I think the two terms have some overlap, I mean narcissistic as in having such a belief in the self to not only declare that there is no evidence for a god, but to state that there is evidence for the lack of a god, something that is not possible to prove.
But I take your meaning, arrogance is a perfectly good term for what I mean. So I agree with you, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with being an aethiest, after all awthiests are probably right. I’m just not certain enough to join the club, but maybe I just lack self confidence. 10 months ago
Do your farts smell nice? 10 months ago
Not really, high protein diet makes them pretty unpleasant. 10 months ago
Agnosticism and atheism are not of the same kind. There exist agnostic or gnostic atheists and there exist agnostic or gnostic theists. From what you write, you are an agnostic atheist: You do not believe in a god, yet you can not be sure that there is none. 10 months ago
True. But that I can compare the ways of thinking that lead to agnosticism/aetheism as I observe them.
At some point in my life I walked away from religion and thought, “Hm, I’m not really an atheist because I can’t disprove the existence of a god but I also think the idea of god as most religions present it is silly. I guess I’m nothing.” Then a few years later I found out there was a word for that. 9 months ago
If you think God’s real it’s because you’re a baby 9 months ago
I don’t, I just think the kind of pseudo-intellectualism this guy was putting out was really typical of them. It’s like vegans, they’re right and insufferable about it. 9 months ago
oh I didn’t actually read his post because some dipshit boop boop deleted it 10 months ago
The greater issue is, racists like to sell their bigotry as rational, all while claim “real racism” is an irrational hatred of other races.
This way, they can just show a few statistics to justify their bigotry, but claim “anti-white racism” is real racism. 10 months ago
I’ve never compared flavors of racism but I think I follow what you are saying. People believe that their racism is rational, while labeling irrational racism as “the real racism” when in reality all racism is irrational.
That is why when you demand peer-reviewed information that stands up to scrutiny, there is nothing. The path to producing such theoretical information is by matriculating through institutions of higher learning, where all of the broken ways of thinking that racists use get dismantled along the way. So they either change the way they think, or deny rational thinking. In the end, no pro-racism material is produced because it stands on a broken foundation. Universities just reveal the foundation for what it is. 10 months ago
Failed sociology, eh?
It makes sense, it’s just not the future we want to strive toward. 10 months ago
I like this comment. But it shows a misunderstanding of the topic. The existence of xenophobia does not give rationality to racism but instead shows the irrationality and tribal nature of humans.
You’re using circular reasoning.
But let’s save some time and cut to the heart. Please scientifically explain the rationality of racism to me (or) share a peer reviewed scientific article that demonstrates that it is rational to be racist.
Or more likely, say you don’t have time for this and scamper off, aka the Fermat’s last theorem method.
I enjoy a good Fermat joke 🤣 10 months ago
I considered an earnest response, until you tried to pull this little bit of manipulation. Instead I’ll just block you and scamper off.