- Comment on Diet 8 months ago:
Funny joke bit pls dont. The seas are overfished as fuck.
- Comment on For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st 8 months ago:
Yeah that would be a sure way of bringing me to not work at all. What bs.
- Comment on Anon's phone gets stolen 9 months ago:
Secure the data on a sandbox first
- Comment on Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity? 9 months ago:
You are so on point. I come here mainly for chuckles, some light hearted discussion and memes but what do is see most? Rage, rage and more rage.
- Comment on Bussy? 10 months ago:
Yeah thats why you make sure to NOT talk about your feelings like this “concerned” person. If you have problems in a relationship, it is important to talk to anyone but your partner. Best thing to do is, get some advice from complete strangers who do not know you or your partner and have very limited and skewed information. This way you will surely get the right answers! /s
- Comment on Anon ends racism 10 months ago:
Agnosticism and atheism are not of the same kind. There exist agnostic or gnostic atheists and there exist agnostic or gnostic theists. From what you write, you are an agnostic atheist: You do not believe in a god, yet you can not be sure that there is none.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
If the fact bothers you, maybe you should refrain from discussions on this topic. Or tell me why it is not a “better choice”.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
No. It is one better choice. Does not say shit about the millions of other choices we do.
- Comment on Anon is vengeful 10 months ago:
Fake: pretending to having an ex-gf & Gay: being a narc
- Comment on Bees 11 months ago:
*Wild bees and other wild insects, NOT honeybees. Just want to put that out there because many people seem to be oblivious about that fact and think they help nature by eating more honey. Gold meme tho.
- Comment on Anon factory resets 11 months ago:
Well i guess 4chan is not a stranger to different kinds of phobias so your take makes sense
- Comment on Anon factory resets 11 months ago:
I see that people could get this idea and its worded like that in the greentrxt but people with half a brain would go: “congrats, you just found out that you are bi”
- Comment on Kids Online Safety Act gains enough supporters to pass the Senate 11 months ago:
- Comment on degree in bamf 1 year ago:
I find it interesting how writing “a male” instead of man is a good way of pointing out “sexist mansplaining” and writing “a female” is dehumanizing (which i actually agree on). I will not deny that there are many sexists out there who are mansplaining or see women as less knowledgable. Without knowing the person (“offending”) however, i think we would be wise to use occam’s razor which would lead us to the conclusion that this is a prime case of the dunning kruger effect (which would also apply if sexism is involved).
Mycomment however has to be seen as mansplaining because i sadly have a dick between my legs. Sorry for that.
- Comment on 'Mass surveillance' fears over law change plans 1 year ago:
The Home Office said then it was seeking to “protect the country from child sexual abusers and terrorists.”
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 1 year ago:
True. Real world relationships however are hard to obtain and hard to maintain. So many people, especially those that are deemed “not normal”, due to looks or behavior, are giving up on that and instead give in to these easy surrogates. It is sad, but not like society presents any solutions.
- Comment on mo honey mo problems 1 year ago:
Meh, Honeybee Queens get their wings clipped. Also honeybees take away the food from local polllinators, killing of wild bees in the process.
- Comment on True Story 1 year ago:
People that make statements on behalf of all people in a large group are weird, to put it politely.
- Comment on Rules to live by. 1 year ago:
Just stop it already!
Or don’t, its kind of hilarious.
- Comment on Every time 1 year ago:
I dont know, has some serious reddit vibes for me. It was all that animosity i fled in the first place. Not sure what to do at this time because normally enjoy reading comments but not like this. I hope it gets better.
- Comment on Every time 1 year ago:
Meme is funny, comments take it too serious. Like all the time.
- Comment on 92% of young people would sacrifice other perks for a 4-day workweek—here's what they'd give up 1 year ago:
Absolutely. I also find 8 hours to be more than long enough. The days with overtime are actually fucking thievery as the rest of the day goes down the drain due to exaustion. I would prefer 5*6h to be honest, especially with remote work. It is very likely that i will do this in the future but right now i do not want to take the loss of money.
- Comment on 92% of young people would sacrifice other perks for a 4-day workweek—here's what they'd give up 1 year ago:
“…include working longer hours…” ?? Absolutely not.
- Comment on Let lemmyshitpost decide... 1 year ago:
Sometimes i wonder whether people are just joking or if there are really so many sex starved people out there.
- Comment on No one really understands our struggle 1 year ago:
You had me until the handouts