- Comment on Should I withdraw/stop putting into my 401k? 8 hours ago:
Do what this guy said, It’s good advice.
- Comment on Thicc 2 days ago:
Damn that man’s about to use her ass as a table
- Comment on unleash your humanities 6 days ago:
Lol. Make a flow chart
- Comment on Are old people usually attracted to other old people? 1 week ago:
You have to stop and think about what is really sexy.
Is it sexy when someone pretends to be into you? Most people would agree not.
A person 20 years younger than you, are they really attracted to you? Do they really know you? Do they really want to be with YOU?
Once sex becomes about the intimate connection and not just the physical bumpin uglies, it changes.
That said, looking at porn and fantasizing you can pretend to be any age you want. Thus, you may find yourself thinking you are not attracted to people your own age if you are only looking at porn of the “hottest” people.
- Comment on crab museum!! 1 week ago:
Ok crab museum, what common goal are we working towards? It wouldn’t have anything to do with evolving as a species towards an inevitable crustacean fate would it?
- Comment on cherry pickers 2 weeks ago:
If you don’t get the Jo try this:
Citing extensive experience, anti-vaxers are hired by cherry farm as cherry pickers.
One such cherry picker was shown to pick cherries 340% faster than non-anti-vax pickers. The anti-vax cherry picking spokesman was heard to be explaining that this data proves anti-vaxers are the superior farm laborers, and expects the farm to see a correlation in overall productivity improvement across farms employing anti-vax cherry pickers.
- Comment on rule 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
From what i can tell, YT comments have actually improved over the years. Still plenty of garbage, but it’s bearable and there is some real discussion sometimes now.
- Comment on Princess Mononoke, 4k restoration (1997, dir Hayao Miyazaki) 2 weeks ago:
Great movie, really.
- Comment on Pockets 2 weeks ago:
Trenchcoat flasher vibes…
- Comment on Have a good Monday 2 weeks ago:
Started a new job today. Been sitting In a conference room by myself for a remote orientation while the mic cuts in and out and I try not to die from blahhhh
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Which does not bode well for her ability to succeed as an independent adult.
It’s not about being a dick because you think she’s making a mistake, it’s about both pointing out that fact of her avoiding confrontation, and helping her develop the skills for success. If she is not willing to work with him on that, then it’s a pretty unfortunate indicator of how this will all likely play out in the long run.
In other words, Wolf will become her new daddy.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Little Sis,
Since you want to act like an adult and live on your own, I’m glad to help. First step is you clean up your own messes. I will not be your middleman, not because I don’t love you, but because it is not helping you.
If you want to talk about all this, and how best to talk to them, I’m here for you. And please be careful, a lot of people who have done similar things at your age have later regretted it.
Love you, talk to you soon.
- Big Bro
- Comment on Undocumented 'Backdoor' Found In Chinese Bluetooth Chip Used By a Billion Devices. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on 7 Tesla Charging Stations Torched Near Boston 3 weeks ago:
Musk’s properties? - Comment on 7 Tesla Charging Stations Torched Near Boston 3 weeks ago:
Not the charging infrastructure… isn’t there a better “target”?
- Comment on M'Lady 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 4 weeks ago:
Well sonnie if you wanna live here you gotta work like everyone else and Urn your keep!
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 4 weeks ago:
“The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
The man is a lunatic. Prolonged struggle and strife without at least some visible progress is abject torture.
- Comment on Our local newspaper is trying way too hard to insert these casino ads on their site. 4 weeks ago:
Fucking gross.
I would give up all the tech advances of the past 15 years if I could go back to the old internet.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 weeks ago:
Kond of you to assume I know how to read
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 weeks ago:
Tonsils of the brain?
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 weeks ago:
No science behind this, but because their reality is based on them being a good guy in their mind. Simultaneously they are actually selfish but lie to themselves about that fact.
Now when a fact comes along and points out they are being selfish, they will seek any information that will allow them to continue the selfish behavior.
Tldr they lie to themselves so they can sleep at night.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Bombshell report reveals staggering amount of government funds paid to Elon Musk 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
Yes let’s round them up in the camps For reeducation.
- Comment on Why do people think it’s selfish when I don’t get them things/ask about them? 4 weeks ago:
Spend some time thinking about the people you care about. If you think of something that makes them happy or will make their life easier do it for them and don’t make a big deal about it.
The whole social experience revolves around understand them and what is important to them, and when you can, helping them.
If you don’t know what is important to them, then you need to spend more time with them. Ask about their day and pay attention to the things they do.
- Comment on Why hasn't the deep state stopped trump? 5 weeks ago:
Have you checked for an explanation on the official deep state website? It was made by the guy who made the anarchists union website.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
Box truck with Faraday cage for blocking gps.
- Comment on A web3 free-to-play survival game found to be a front for installing malware on your PC has finally been removed from Steam 1 month ago:
At least valve isn’t pussyfooting the recommended action.