You’re a great example why there should be more gun laws. That is probably the most dangerous reply I’ve ever heard.
Comment on This is a Test 10 months agoI’m confident that, maybe with 5min instructional time from a gun guy (or gal, women are the fastest growing group of gun owners today), anyone with a phd could be taught “push button, remove mag, rack slide” and “push button, swing cylinder, push ejector rod out.”
They really aren’t as hard to learn to use safely as Alec Baldwin would have you believe. Shooting accurately is another matter but simply being safe is as easy as learning 4 rules and a basic knowledge of how common firearms function. 10 months ago 10 months ago
I’ve literally seen children learn, have more faith in your surgeons, I guess. 10 months ago
You would think that. But the number of trained soldiers who have been punished for a negligent discharge while clearing their weapon would say otherwise. Also, you have to assume everyone employed at that ER is at the end of a 48 hour double shift where every attempt to sleep was interrupted less than an hour later. 10 months ago
Idk man I can’t sit here and claim to be so ridiculously intelligent I can learn how to cycle a firearm faster than a literal surgeon. I mean, when I learned I was a pizza delivery man. I may have a different job now, but if a pizza man can learn it I’d hope a surgeon could pick it up pretty quick, “it isn’t brain surgery.” 10 months ago
The learning isn’t the problem. The exhaustion is. If people who are highly trained with firearms cannot reliably clear them while exhausted then nobody can. And the medical industry insists on seriously overworking staff. 10 months ago
If you’re too exhausted to clear a gun, you’re too exhausted to surgery me. Let the doc go home. 10 months ago
Consider that the gun may be part of the crime scene. The more people interact with it, the less useful it is as evidence. 10 months ago
While true, I’d rather the gun actually be made safe, didn’t wear my plate carrier to work today lol.
“Sorry cops, my life is more important to me, if you need prints get them off the guy’s fingers who’s pants I just pulled this out of, it isn’t really a question of who had it, it was him.” 10 months ago
Who cares? It’s an immediate threat if untouched, and the gangster’s clothes are already covered in gunpowder. 10 months ago
It’s harder to learn for many people than you might think. There are 1000’s of different kinds of types and models many with subtle differences from one another from one year to the next. Nor do you know just how mechanically sound that gangbanger’s gun is either - what parts might be broken, missing, or badly modified.
It’s probably not worth the risk when you can just place it in a lockbox and call the cops to deal with it. 10 months ago
Sure there’s 1000s of diff types but he doesn’t have a vickers or an mg-42 stuffed down his joggers, he has one of the many revolvers or semi autos that all function the same way. Probably could narrow it down even further, it’s likely either a glock (26, 43, 45, 19, 19x, or 17), a sig (p320 or p365), a S&W (m&p or sd9ve), a Ruger (mkIII or IV, lcp9), a taurus (lol gross), or a hi-point (also lol) or any crappy .22lr revolver. For 99.9% of guns you encounter (unless your friend is a collector,) they’re all going to function similarly enough to at least get it cleared.
As to broken or badly modified, typically it can still be cleared, I’ve never seen a gun so badly broken that dropping the mag or racking the slide fires it. In theory, sure, but that’s why you’re following all the rules of gun safety and pointing it in a safe direction (at something that’ll catch the bullet if all goes wrong.)
I’ve seen literal children learn how, if they can I hope a surgeon can. 10 months ago
You have no clue about medical liability do you. 10 months ago
Well medical accidents kill more people per year in the US than guns, including suicide and accidents. Oddly enough.
(Frankly though if a gang member is shot, he was probably brought in by paramedics, and therefore before they were able to administer care the police secured the scene, so he was probably cuffed to the stretcher, already searched, and accompanied by two or more cops, and this question is frankly silly to begin with.) 10 months ago
Or just put it in a lockbox 10 months ago
If they have one, but it’s still safer to put an unloaded gun in an anything.