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Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.
- Comment on Anon works at gamestop 2 days ago:
I can’t make a joke about you being high because you seem to think only parents can get video games for their own kids, not for their niece/nephew?
Am I the high one then?
- Comment on Anon works at gamestop 2 days ago:
Well, my sister asked what I was getting her little Tommy this year so we can make sure we didn’t get the same thing, she got him RDR:UN so I was safe to get him COD too. My brother said he was getting little Susan and Jerry Rock Band 2, so I was free to get them a copy of COD as well and that way all our children can fish together! Turns out they didn’t want to fish at all, they wanted to shoot at each other! Kids these days I swear!
You never bought your niece or nephew a gift? Should video games be strictly relegated to parental gifts? What am I allowed to buy for familial children age 1-17 that I didn’t have hand in birthing? More importantly, what exactly are you smoking?
- Comment on Anon works at gamestop 2 days ago:
In December in America we do this thing called Christmas, where you get gifts for and gather with family and friends and exchange them. Kids are often included in this despite not having money of their own, and usually receive gifts from the family like video games or other doodads.
Video games themselves are barely sold on disks anymore, while this could have all transpired about two months ago, it’s more likely to be an old post immortalized into a screencap, this could be from 2010 for all we know, which is the year that game was released for the xbox 360, coincidentally.
- Comment on Anon works at gamestop 3 days ago:
One for my kid, one for each family of cousins (my brother’s and sister’s respective kids) “so they can play their nintendo machines on the internets like they always do?”
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 4 days ago:
Thanks a lot, I’ll check all these out!
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
Well fair and even if you could one punch man that shit the glass should act differently due to the lamination so you prob would get less cut, but also do gloves count as tools?
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
Define tools. Does a .50bmg SLAP count? Because there’s no way that glass is rated to take anti-mat rounds.
Of course you can’t do it without tools, I wouldn’t want to break a regular window without tools, get my hand all cut up again and shit (last time was an accident). “No tools” makes the contest meaningless.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 4 days ago:
/Me listening to a 10hr loop of the SMB2 overworld theme/
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 4 days ago:
I like gabber but don’t know some of the others, I’ll have to look them up, thanks!
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 days ago:
Look, if he was dying, he wouldn’t bother to write ‘aarrggh’. He’d just say it!
- Comment on Anon describes the micro-celeb pipeline 1 week ago:
I like how you got a bunch of DVs simply for not wanting to be a sex worker, as if everyone has to want to be a prostitute or else.
What if they just love being an electrician? Being an electrician may not be preferred by prostitutes, why just assume electricians would prefer to prostitute? If “sex work is work” means it’s just a job then it’ll be right for some and not for others, just like every other job ever.
What if they’re asexual? Not everyone has to by hyper- or even “normal”-sexual, some people don’t want it at all and that’s fine. While sex work may be “work” it is also “sex” and therefore I could see an ace not wanting to be employed in this manner. Hell what if they’re Demi-? I know that wanting an emotional attachment before physical contact is anathema to some to the degree where if you say that’s you without using the word demisexual you may get unslut shamed, but some people do require it and that is ok too.
Or what if they are hypersexual and don’t want to monetize their hobby and turn it into a job they hate? That’s perfectly reasonable, just because I enjoy bike riding doesn’t mean I want to be a bike messenger and take all the joy out of it. As funny as that is and it’s kinda a joke, I’m sure that is actually true for someone out there.
Well anyway, I’m done shitting at work so I have to get out of these comments now. (Another thing, prostitutes can shit on the clock while they browse lemmy, but it’s different when they do it, for me it’s slacking off, for them it’s just another rough day at the office.)
- Comment on ENHANCE 1 week ago:
Are they variable or constant zoom? They could be L
PVO contacts - Comment on Seems like solid advice 1 week ago:
Isotopyl* lol
- Comment on Anon lives with his sister 2 weeks ago:
Ah this is that Commoncore Math I’ve been hearing about? Thought a supergroup of Dillinger Escape Plan and Converge made a new genre.
- Comment on Anon lives with his sister 2 weeks ago:
…is my math fucked up or are two and six the same thing these days? Seems they’d need a few more before they get to “VI.”
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 2 weeks ago:
Tbf my mom started running 13.1s at 45, get gud.
Not that I’ve run one ever, to be clear. Fuck all that pass me the bourbon.
- Comment on Anon pumps up the crowd 2 weeks ago:
I hear,
The secrets that you keep,
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Right? Guys act like such women these days crying about every little thing, and they throw like girls!
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Not in the habit of taking social advice from someone who likes to generalize about entire swaths of people, sorry.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Not in the habit of taking social advice from someone who likes to generalize about entire swaths of people, sorry. Nu u howboutdat?
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Men violence towards women is a result of systemic oppression. Stop trying to make social comentary when you understand jackshit about society.
You are not the victim, you’re just playing one to justify your sexism, misogynistic prick.
Sure pal, whatever you need to do to justify to yourself your generalizing based on demographics and othering people based on a small subset of a group’s actions. You’re definitely better than the other people that do that to different groups.
/Jerk off hand motion and heavy eye roll./
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Oh so you can see how it’s racist when applied to race but still think it’s ok when just applied to “men?” Why do you think you’re better than the racists I’m equating you to? You’re not, you’re the same.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
The girl in the OP is still worried about walking at night and the most common threat to a woman in that situation is still men. You didn’t counterpoint any of that,
Here’s one. In my area, statistically I’m more likely to be physically assaulted by an african american male than anyone else, does that make it ok for me to post things like “I can’t go walking at night because some black men like to murder?” Clearly NO, because I’ve simply added one demographic factor, that is still statistically more likely to attack me, and that makes it racist. Just because I am more likely to be attacked by a black guy because of the actions of a small subset of that demographic doesn’t mean it’s ok to treat every one of them as an attacker, and I’d argue the same goes for race agnostic “men” generalizations based on a small subset of that demographic either, even though statistically an attacker is more likely to be a man as well.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
You don’t understand, men are only 13% of the population but commit 52% of all crime, google 13/52 to find out more!
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Wait so how much crime is the limit for it to be ok to use to fearmonger against an entire demographic? If men are let’s say 13% of the population and commit let’s say 52% of all crimes, is that enough in your estimation to say men are dangerous or a problem or whatever?
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
You joke but I do that, I don’t want to appear like I have any money, so if I’m going to be out at night I wear my shitty Timex most often instead of the fancy (looking) Nixon, ripped thrifted sweatshirts instead of Supreme (or whatever brand is popular now), etc. Nobody’s robbing the guy who looks like he’s about to explain how he just needs $23 to get a bus ticket and if you could just help…
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Maybe ask a lawyer in your area before taking legal advice from lemmy, as both above comments are poor legal advice.
It highly depends on your area, but having OC spray for “normal threats” as they’re called is sound advice, it is not legal to shoot people until they become a “deadly threat” (by a jury’s decision, not yours) and you’re in immanent danger of death or great bodily injury (hospital type stuff).
However, simply “them fighting through the spray” may not be enough without a disparity in force (if he’s 6’4" and she’s 5’0", if there’s multiple attackers, if he’s armed with a blunt/sharp instrument or gun, etc) to bump him up to the “deadly” category. If there are other extenuating factors like listed it may be fine. In some areas you have to retreat to the best of your ability and couldn’t “just shoot him if he starts chasing you” you’d have to run until it became clear escape was impossible.
Do not take anything I say here as fact for your area either, it is HIGHLY variable is kinda my whole point, look up your local laws before if you’re considering buying/carrying a gun, or even for carrying OC spray (illegal in NYC, for instance, and many states have limits on strength, etc).
- Comment on Select a tip 2 weeks ago:
I agree, the %s are too high, and there should be a “no tip” option there (even though you should tip here especially full service but not counter service), but also the “30% soso?!” Even I’m not tipping this one.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 3 weeks ago:
that we have been unable to identify what else they have in common beyond gender.
Don’t look at a breakdown by race or google 13/52, you might find that generalizing based on demographics and using it to fearmonger like you’re doing is in actuality a tactic also already used by racists to other the outgroup and scare their base too. Don’t worry though you’re fine, it’s only bad when they do it.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 3 weeks ago:
100% of the men I know are sure they could “take” a random female attacker.
Until she’s your roommate’s girlfriend, he’s out of town, she comes into your room when you get home at 4am off a 12hr shift dishwashing when all you want in the world is food, to pet your cats, and to sleep until 2057, and forces herself on you complete with grabbing your wrists and the phrase “no you don’t understand, this is going to happen,” and then you realize that while yeah you probably could use physical violence to stop her even though she’s actually bigger than you, legally even, who are the police going to believe? You, or the crying woman who knows she can weaponize the entire justice system which doesn’t even consider it rape for her to do that (it’s legally defined as “sexual assault” at worst since “rape requires penetration” so woman can’t be charged with rape in my area)? I guess this is happening and I’m going to feel guilty about it for years even though I shouldn’t, fucking cool.
Violence and rape is more likely to come from someone you know than randos on the street, and ime while women who wish to victimize people don’t have the upper hand in physical stature, the ones so inclined know how to weaponize the justice system effectively enough to get what they want.
And btw if a woman is randomly attacking people on the street meth is usually involved, they shouldn’t be so confident.