Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from
Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.
- Comment on Potash is forever 6 days ago:
Mmm new Totinos® Pizza Rolls™ Cayenne Powder flavor! Oh boy!
- Comment on Totally forgot there were subreddits that did this lol 6 days ago:
Reddit people: What is this “Vee Pee En” you speak of?
- Comment on Anon goes on a first date 6 days ago:
Or you could be me, many hobbies but due to crippling ADHD I’m the only one who cares about them and they don’t all jive well with each other’s stereotypical “group” (like say I enjoy running but also enjoy unhealthy eating, for example). Every woman could VERY easily find a hobby of mine they think is neat, AND one they think is “bad,” and maybe even one we share, but I contain too many multitudes of unfinished thoughts and products to judge me on the one mentioned when put on the spot (cause that’s probably just the project I paused today.)
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago: might be worth a look for FOSS. Also db0 has been very good to me since I left .ml when db0 started up.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
Yeah unfortunately it is one of the flagship instances and also is run by a transphobe and a guy who thinks Stalin did nothing wrong who will ban you for any opinion slightly deviating from the hivemind he’s created. Really sucks, because a lot of people don’t know this until they already made their acct and by the time they learn about it the sunk cost fallacy takes over because they “don’t want to lose their comments” by moving to a more neutral instance.
It’s by design of course, either the new conscripts relent and join their ranks or just go along to get along, or they don’t and they get banned while reinforcing .ml’s victim complex they so desperately cling to.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 week ago:
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 week ago:
Beware of the blob, it creeps, and leaps, and slides and glides along the floor, right through the door and all around the wall, a splotch, a blotch, be careful of the blob POP
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 2 weeks ago:
Tbh I bought my last tv when 1080p lcd was the hot new thing and it was NOT cheap. If buying a dumb tv/“display” is just the same thing I’m used to? Fine.
- Comment on I'm seriously proud of this 2 weeks ago:
A half of tina is a pretty decent chunk of meth, you probably don’t need that much.
- Comment on Born for the job 2 weeks ago:
Nominative determinism at work.
- Comment on Anon airs out 2 weeks ago:
Go back and reread unames, you probably have me confused for the original commenter, I only explained it I didn’t make the OG comment.
- Comment on Anon airs out 2 weeks ago:
Oh lmao all good, it happens!
- Comment on I never realized this 2 weeks ago:
Sorry, but unfortunately I got interested and followed your link:
There is a popular legend that “hooker” as a slang term for a prostitute is derived from his last name[26] because of parties and a lack of military discipline at his headquarters near the Murder Bay district of Washington, DC. Some versions of the legend claim that the band of prostitutes that followed his division was derisively referred to as “General Hooker’s Army” or “Hooker’s Brigade”.[27] However, the term “hooker” was used in print as early as 1845, years before Hooker was a public figure,[28] and is likely derived from the concentration of prostitutes around the shipyards and ferry terminal of the Corlear’s Hook area of Manhattan in the early to middle 19th century, who came to be referred to as “hookers”.
- Comment on Anon airs out 2 weeks ago:
Why shouldn’t racist (or sexist, etc) comments be called out? Just because you needed to fight with someone online today to make yourself feel better? Take it somewhere else pal I’m not buying.
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
What do you mean “you people?” Racism.
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
Somewhat unrelated but I 100% thought your uname said “TapewormTraveler” and thought “well this guy would know a thing or two about travel and weight loss” before my brain corrected it. I need coffee lol.
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
I walk an average of 15k steps on a slow day. Before I got promoted out of the shipping dept I used to do 30k/day before I left work, then still had to run errands and do things, now it’s usually more like 10k-15k at work (and some bodyweight squats while I stand at my desk because why not) and go do things. All of this (and here’s the part that will shock you) was in America. You don’t have to be in Japan to walk, even if you don’t walk for work there’s always “exercising.”
Basically you’re saying “usually at home I’m sedentary as fuck but since here I’m a gawking tourist I’ve been doing a modicum of cardio, and it has affected me exactly as expected, but instead of give myself credit for the work I did and realizing I could take this lesson back home I’m going to turn it into some weird contest and continue to blame my environment.”
It is possible to eat healthy here too, though that is admittedly harder especially if you’re dead set on not cooking, yet there are healthy to go options if you know where to look still. Buy a used bike and eat healthy at home, you don’t have to have cool foreign shit to look at wile you do it, there’s probably a nice park or trail nearby you can have cool local nature to look at too. Or travel a lot and use that as an excuse if you’re privileged enough, whatever, but make no mistake you don’t have to.
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
Tbf, the distinction (if one is to be made at all) is in the prefix, not the suffix. “Burger” is an acceptable shorthand for both hamburger and cheeseburger, so it could be either. If one is to differentiate, it’s necessary to say the prefix (or to specify toppings to be added or excluded based on what the menu says is standard for this location.)
- Comment on Anon airs out 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Old fashioned 2 weeks ago:
Tbf CDs are of the worst of the physical media, yet one of the best due to the ease with which one can back them up.
Most of my CDs, DVDs, and tapes were entirely unavailable with any (conventional, anyway, or I’d have known) means of piracy (real obscure shit), or were purchased before limewire and ipods existed (of course I’m old). But vinyl has a certain charm to it, there’s absolutely no replacing physical books or comics, cart consoles are better than emulators if you have both, and sometimes just popping in a tape and being off to the races is better than hunting through netflix, yes we’re watching Rodan again.
- Comment on Anon airs out 3 weeks ago:
I’m inclined to agree on that lol. No problem, and I’m glad we can continue a state of hatelessness between us!
- Comment on Anon airs out 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon airs out 3 weeks ago:
Oh you know what I mean lmao.
- Comment on Anon airs out 3 weeks ago:
You’ll hate me too for explaining it, there’s a running stereotype that white women fuck their dogs.
I didn’t make it up and I don’t spread such stereotypes, but that’s what they meant.
- Comment on Feel the Joy 3 weeks ago:
This place can’t be real lmao.
- Comment on A fake Nintendo lawyer is scaring YouTubers, and it’s not clear YouTube can stop him 3 weeks ago:
Probably why they got hacked,
Which time lmao, weren’t there like 4 gigaleaks?
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 3 weeks ago:
I can agree with that as well. It was indeed nice discussing with you as well, all too often comments can get too heated and it’s always nice to have a regular ol’ pleasant conversation even when we disagree a bit lol. I hope to see you there with me too! :Handshake: (I hope that text I just typed becomes an emoji lol)
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 3 weeks ago:
Body shaming of men in current year 2024 is more acceptable to society at large than body shaming of women in current year 2024, if you’re seriously denying that you’re not paying attention or are stuck on “but it used to be-” yet we’re talking about the current “2024” year that is the one we’re in. Literally just observe or try body shaming both for yourself (for science only lol) and find out, if someone calls body shaming men out here it was probably me lol.
What I’m saying is that “Woman fat” has become an unacceptable comment in 2024, while it may have been acceptable in the past, it no longer is at least largely, yet “man with truck have small peepee,” is still largely lauded as comedic genius in 2024. I’m saying “one go down but the other go up,” which you seem to actually agree with I think.
I’m also saying that public perception of body shaming depends on the gender shamed: When men are shamed for body related things like not enough hair, fat, small wiener, or short, the majority of responses are “funny” or “truu” or “slay,” yet when women are shamed for excess hair, fat, small titti, or tall, the comments are all “body positivity,” etc. This may be the part we disagree on, but we’ll just have to keep disagreeing lol.
I’m just trying to get to the point where it doesn’t matter what gender is body shamed, there’s some consistency applied to the “don’t make fun of people for what they can’t control” bit, if that’s the direction we’re moving in.
Honestly it seems like we may agree more than disagree.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 3 weeks ago:
Again, I’m not saying only women do it either. You seem to be taking my statements out of context. “Universally,” as it may imply, includes men as well who think “have truck so small peepee” jokes are original groundbreaking material. Sure, I don’t mean “literally every human on earth including uncontacted Amazonian tribes in Brazil and babies without the capacity for language” by “universal,” but rather “widely accepted by society” since pedantry is your purview. Yes there are some people who think neither is ok (oh hey look it’s me) but there are more people who think one is ok but not the other (and I’m guessing that’d be you, since you chose to take up the argument on the “pro women bodyshaming men” side when I dared to assert that I see more acceptance of body shaming in one direction than the other.)
As to women’s magazine’s focus on “how to get a man,” this may come as a surprise, but I’m not an editor of a woman’s magazine and I feel comfortable guessing that most men also do not edit women’s magazines. In fact most men are completely divorced from such publications be it “employed by” or “subscribed to.” I’ve never read a cosmo in my life and honestly I’d bet no woman under 30 has either, print is so dead reading is a hobby now (and one I enjoy, still not women’s magazines though.) As such I (and likely most men) have absolutely 0, I repeat 0 influence on what is contained within those glossy pages. I can’t blame women for what GQ publishes (the only “men’s magazine” I can think of so sue me) I can just “continue not reading that garbage, and pick up MAD or Mineshaft (the only good magazines I can think of) instead.” In fact many men did see an issue with all that, they still weren’t the publishers, mostly boyfriends and husbands of cosmo obsessed women that said things like “idk where the hell that magazine gets it’s bullshit,” it was widely (that better?) panned for offering crazy unsubstantiated advice like “Shake his nuts like you’re playing Yahtzee.” (Yes, that is an actual cosmo quote, these people can’t be trusted.) Comedians even have bits on it, so many it’s now hack!
Meanwhile: I have a gun and I drive a truck.
Now, that’s not true, but what was the first thing you thought of upon reading it? That I’m “clearly compensating for something?” Try posting that same sentiment somewhere else, where it isn’t clearly bait, and see what happens. Then post a pic of some ugly/fat/whatever woman on r/selfie (or somewhere equally “not bait”), and see what happens. Guarantee you’ll see one is more widely accepted.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 3 weeks ago:
I didn’t say it only happens to men, I said it’s only acceptable when it happens to men.
Basically if I put on a “no fat chicks” shirt I’m universally (and rightly) panned as a complete asshole by anyone except other dudes who would wear the same shirt, however if some woman puts “no manlets” in her tinder bio it’s “yasss go off queen” universally. If I make fun of small titted women (personally that’s a physical trait I actually prefer, but for the sake of the example) like “small titty committee” I’m clearly an asshole, but if a woman makes a small dick joke it’s all good?
I’m not even saying “don’t have preferences,” I’m just saying don’t be a prick about them (or do, but then you’re a prick whether you’re a man or a woman). As an example, if I’m going to reject a date with a woman I’m simply not attracted to I don’t say “eww no you’re ugly,” I politely say some variation of “I’m sorry but I’m just not looking for a relationship right now.”
You touched on it (though you were in defense of it), but two wrongs don’t make a right.