AI cars are still running over pedestrians and people think computers are to the point of medical diagnosis?
Comment on But Claude said tumor! 10 months ago
Using a Large Language Model for image detection is peak human intelligence. 10 months ago 10 months ago
There are some very impressive AI/ML technologies that are already in use as part of existing medical software systems (think: a model that highlights suspicious areas on an MRI, or even suggests differential diagnoses). Further, other models have been built and demonstrated to perform extremely well on sample datasets.
Funnily enough, those systems aren’t using language models 🙄
(There is Google’s Med-PaLM, but I suspect it wasn’t very useful in practice, which is why we haven’t heard anything since the original announcement.) 10 months ago
I have read some headline that said that some of these model just measure age and a quality of the machine making photos. 10 months ago
I have read some headline
Really. 10 months ago
Eh. Depends on which tech is being used and how. For a lot of things, relatively basic ML models purposefully trained do a pretty good job, and are, in fact, limited by the diagnoses in the training data. But more generalized “AI” tools seem rather… questionable.
Like, you can train a SVM on fMRIs to compare structures in the brain between patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder and those that are not diagnosed with it, and it will have an accuracy rate on new patients basically equal to the accuracy rate of the doctors who did the diagnosing in the training set. But you’ll have a much harder time creating a model that takes in fMRIs and reports back answers to the question of “which brain disease or abnormality do I have?”
This stuff works much closer to advertised when it’s narrowly defined and purpose built, but the people making and funding this work want catch-all doctor replacements, because of course they do, because there’s way more money in charging hospitals and patience 10% less than a doctor’s salary than there is in providing tools that make doctors’ efforts in diagnosing specific illnesses easier.
Or, at least there is if you can pull it off. 10 months ago
They are already used in medicine reliably. Often. Welcome to the future. Computers are pretty good tools for many things actually. 10 months ago
A picture is worth a thousand words 10 months ago
Peak intelligence, is realizing an LLM doesn’t care whether its tokens represent chunks of text, sound, images, videos, 3D models, paths, hand movements, floor planning, emojis, etc.
The keyword is: “multimodal”. 10 months ago
Well, image models are getting better at producing text, just sayin’ 10 months ago
I read the same thing in Nevvsweeek. 10 months ago
I had to prepare a high level report to a senior manager last week regarding a project my team was working on.
We had to make 5 professional recommendations off of data we reported.
We gave the 5 recommendations with lots of evidence and references to why we came to that decision.
The top question we got was: “What are ChatGPT’s recommendations?”
Back to the drawing board this week because LLMs are more credible than teams of professionals with years of experience and bachelor-masters level education on the subject matter. 10 months ago
It is quite terrifying that people think these unoriginal and inaccurate regurgitators of internet knowledge, with no concept of or heuristic for correctness… are somehow an authority on anything. 10 months ago
All you need to succeed on this planet is the self confidence to say things. It literally does not matter the accuracy. It’s how you express it. I wish I knew this when I was younger. I’d cut out all the imposter syndrome that held me back. 10 months ago
I wish it was that easy. If you go too long it’s boring, and if you’re too confident you sound arrogant. At this point I’ve kind of just accepted there are people who can sell, and that I’m not one of those people. 10 months ago
I think this depends on the crowd. Unfortunately, the intelligent crowd and the crowd with money and power is not exactly the same. Though hopefully there is overlap. 10 months ago
You, and we, are better off for it.
The issue is that it’s been forgot (Remember the 5th of November) 10 months ago
Only thing you need to do to realise how bad they are is to play Chess against it. Vs using a chessbot from 30 years ago, it really shows. 10 months ago
That’s not really a fair comparison. 10 months ago
you fool
"these are chatgpt's recommendations we just provided research to back them up and verify the ai's work" 10 months ago
“What do we pay you guys for then? You are all fired and Tummy the intern will do everything with ChatGPT from here on out!” 10 months ago
You joke but several sections of our HR department got cut and replaced with Enterprise GPT-4. We talk to an internal chatbot now about HR questions and some forms. 10 months ago
Haha and then the conversation would then be “Yes but can we see ChatGPT’s research?” 10 months ago
That’s when you drop trou, bend over, spread the cheeks, and ask them to let you know when they’re done reviewing ChatGPT’s “research”. 10 months ago
I think this points to a large problem in our society is how we train and pick our managers. Oh wait we don’t. They pick us. 10 months ago
I mean, as long as you are the one prompting ChatGPT, you can probably get it to spit out the right recommendations. Works until they fire you because they are convinced AI made you obsolete.