- Comment on [deleted] 10 hours ago:
OP seems to have some problems in general-- I think questioning evolution might be the least of their issues
- Comment on [deleted] 19 hours ago:
the cable/internet bill, normally it was $270 a month
Jeebus, no wonder companies are doing all they can to cram ads everywhere. They were living high on the hog and streaming essentially gutted their shady price gouging.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
Yeah you can use two controllers to mimic the more modern twin stick ones that have become standard, but I don’t think too many people figured that out back then. Still though, controller will never be as good as mouse + keyboard for FPS games.
- Comment on Always guard against living in the world of fantasy rather than undeniable facts 2 days ago:
We could always argue how many days are in a week like on the bodybuilding forums
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
Yeah it already had inferior controls at the time if you were familiar with FPS gaming on computers. But it was still a ton of fun and when I went back to it some years ago I fell back into the n64 controller muscle memory no problem
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
I love that there’s 30 years of free mods to play as well. People just basically never stopped playing doom, which I think is a beautiful thing.
- Comment on I present my girlfriend's daughter. 2 days ago:
Last message shoulda been “don’t mind the flag”, like porky pig just giving up on what he wanted to say originally
- Comment on One-handed games? 3 days ago:
I hadn’t played so I just checked out a beginner’s guide and I don’t think they’re very similar at all.
In FTL you’re pretty much going from point to point on a map which mostly have encounters with single ships. You try to collect resources for upgrades or new weapons. At shops you can repair or buy things, and you’ll find new crew members there or organically through events. There are a few different ways to do combat (different kinds of guns/missiles, drones, or boarding enemy ships), and everything builds to a boss battle in the final sector.
I’m sure there are some vids that can lay out the basics in a few mins, but if it sounds anything like a genre you’re interested in I’d say 3 bucks is a steal for it. As a roguelike it’s got a lot of replayability.
- Comment on Finally, FINALLY! SENPAI NOTICED ME! 3 days ago:
- Comment on Blobfish 3 days ago:
Aliens do an Earth drive by, use a tractor beam to yank a human specimen through the mesosphere, log the name of the species as blisterface and fly away.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 4 days ago:
Have you used one recently? I used to love those but they don’t work as well as I remember when I’ve tried them in the past few years
- Comment on One-handed games? 5 days ago:
- Comment on World travelers 5 days ago:
Oof, good point
- Comment on Idioms 5 days ago:
We’ve got “shit or get off the pot”
- Comment on Idioms 5 days ago:
Why don’t you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?
- Comment on Be honest and tell us what you see 1 week ago:
He’s got a decent bulge
- Comment on The chair 1 week ago:
Did she ever get some chairs?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Unfortunately though I think OP being an hour from an airport is gonna preclude tourists from being a financial factor in the area.
There was so much meth to be had.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Plant potatoes. Charge rich families to come out and harvest potatoes as a “total farm experience”. Sell them as a “rustic handgrown” crop.
Take the profit and buy a shit ton of meth and smoke until your heart explodes. Die with a smile as you escape late stage capitalism ✨️
- Comment on Late 1900s 1 week ago:
I finally was able to readjust my brain into believing 1995 was longer than 10 years ago. I’m now convinced it was 20 years ago.
- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
That game and one scene from Scrubs revived Erasure briefly in the 2000s
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Not all erections are sexual-- can’t they just measure the non sexy ones?
- Comment on "Save the Bees, Murder the Wasps" 1 week ago:
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
Poor Sam
- Comment on cherry pickers 2 weeks ago:
It’d be the same quality as their other evidence, so it might as well be funny
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 2 weeks ago:
But linguistics is
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
It’s from the sf2 turbo snes box art-- the uppercut is getting slapped out of frame
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 2 weeks ago:
Shouldn’t Costco warn people if they’re gonna sell burnt ass coffee beans though?
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
Streamer on doop? Do they know Zapp?