- Comment on Please create a non-secure password. 1 week ago:
Some states base it on your name in some ways. Mine used to have (maybe still do but I don’t live there anymore) letters from first and last names plus birth date as most of the number. I assume if you change your name your number changes as well.
- Comment on Way to learn a language 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Way to learn a language 2 weeks ago:
That certificate is for N2 of the JLPT, whereas the top level is N1. A lot of native Chinese speakers can pass test levels beyond their actual Japanese ability just because they’re familiar with the kanji, which is a big part of the test.
- Comment on I've NEVER had to knock on wood... 3 weeks ago:
I appreciate you went over there to post bite me bambi ;)
- Comment on "Who is a Good Boy? Donnie is! Donnie is!" 3 weeks ago:
Also should be one of those tiny yappy lapdogs that get toted around in handbags.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 3 weeks ago:
RIP Sam :(
- Comment on Hurry 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Huh? ϡψφϟβμχ 3 weeks ago:
You can track the hacksr by having two people type on the same keyboard simultaneously
- Comment on Mama mia 4 weeks ago:
Pasta sauce?
- Comment on Shitposting 4 weeks ago:
The US uses lib to mean socially liberal, in opposition to the cons. The rest of the world uses it to mean fiscally liberal, as in support of not regulating capitalist markets.
Non-US people often get pissy that a word can have more than one definition.
- Comment on Feds released close up pic of the drones! 4 weeks ago:
Surprised it wasn’t dickbutt
- Comment on Selling as is. 4 weeks ago:
Through a process probably involving merlot
- Comment on Male vs female birds 4 weeks ago:
I never know who any of the singers on SNL are anymore
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I just wasn’t sure if reagan did anything with HS budgets and how that connected with college prices. That guy was such a cancer on the country. Maybe we should just stop electing shitty actors altogether
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
secondary --> tertiary?
- Comment on Important life choices 5 weeks ago:
Japan separates burnable stuff like paper and food waste from the non-burnable plastics and styrofoam type things. I believe they end up burning both though, but with different methods or temps or something like that. Metal and electronics etc doesn’t go in with the rest of the non-burnables. The only plastic bottles they separate for recycling are the PET kind.
- Comment on Looking for answers 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on What do we think will be GoTY and which game do we think should be? 1 month ago:
in that case I’m nominating doom haha
- Comment on Caves of Qud 1.0 OUT NOW! 1 month ago:
The narration from that video has a poetic bent
I wake to the warmth of the waxing salt sun, and before I draw breath it sidewinds to the beetle moon. I muse on my many selves, think of the jewels I’ve loosened from the lime, and all the myriad forms space and time have lathed me to. I dream of the sky shelf and its cosmic tilt, the movers that ferried strangers across stellar gulfs and toward their numinous ends. The earth falls away to light and dust, and I dream no more. Now we become the specters that peopled the Caves of Qud.
- Comment on Caves of Qud 1.0 OUT NOW! 1 month ago:
Yeah it looks fun but I’m worried the learning curve is a little too steep to approach casually. I could see getting into it but it’d have to be at a time when I could really sink some hours into gaming time, like during some holidays or something.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 1 month ago:
That vaguely works in Japan, because they have a ton of English loanwords, and a lot of them wouldn’t be understood by a monolingual Japanese speaker unless you say them in a Japanese accent (it’s a bit more complicated than that but that’s the gist).
- Comment on Making peace with liking very few games? 1 month ago:
I wonder what separates games from movies as disposable media, especially with games that are meant to be cinematic/telling a story. Like Spec Ops is loosely based on Heart of Darkness and has a strong narrative, but without that is just a sort of middling shooter. So once you know the story it doesn’t have a ton of replayability, but it’s still impactful in the way a good movie is.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 1 month ago:
Why are you assuming the sign is about Americans? There’s no reference to the US anywhere except OP’s title
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 1 month ago:
From an award winning war movie made by one of the most prominent directors of all time that had the referenced line sampled in a famous hip hop song?
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 1 month ago:
Why not the free weekly epic giveaways as well? There have been some good games for free in the past
- Comment on Middle coat is my grandma's 1 month ago:
I thought Henry Winkler
- Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form 1 month ago:
Or depending on your age, DnD (tabletop) or maybe Rogue or Hack
- Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form 1 month ago:
Oh I’d totally forgotten about those, and I had the exact same sentiment as a kid. They seemed somehow mystical just because they were in scroll form.
- Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form 1 month ago:
It probably relates to your age. When I grew up there were still newspapers (and dinosaurs) and you probably ran across a small horoscope section somewhere in there (especially on or near the comics page), so for me seeing the dates was virtually unavoidable. But I haven’t run across a random horoscope in over 20 years, so if you’re born after the millennium I’m sure it was much less prominent in your life.
- Comment on SHINY 1 month ago:
The rain forest of Costa Rica where C. limbata lives has water suspended from leaves at ground level. Light is refracted in different directions, and it allows metallic beetles to fool predators.
In case anyone else was wondering how this could be effective camouflage. I wonder what happens if the predators are thirsty though.