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Comment on Found in the wild 11 months ago
What am I missing 11 months ago 11 months ago
Someone used a script to delete all their messages and swapped them with that text. 11 months ago
Oh, that makes more sense lol. So the reply was for the original context I guess. 11 months ago
So the reply was for the original context I guess.
Or maybe not, Lemmy and Kbin were definitely a thing 5 months ago, when the reply was sent. 11 months ago
The comment calling spez a pig was originally a solution to a problem, hence the person replying in positively. The comment was edited by a script when the user left Reddit, so the solution no longer is there, depriving those who may be looking. 11 months ago
Which honestly, does more harm (to regular people) than good (harming reddit) 11 months ago
Well, kinda. Reddit’s main commodity is its user content. They earn money when people go to the site from Google, see ads, and if they like the content enough, maybe register and keep feeding the beast.
Removing the content people go to Reddit to access deprives Reddit of some engagement that they would profit from, however small or negligible it may be. 11 months ago
But that’s the problem, I’ll gladly go elsewhere when I can, but on many occasions, for me personally, I have run into some random Reddit comment being the only place where the answer is. Luckily, so far when I’ve run into a comment containing a potential answer but has been overwritten I’ve been able to find it in an archive, but how long until that becomes a rarity? Real tangible knowledge has been/is being entirely lost 11 months ago
Reddit should’ve thought about that before fucking with that user, then. 11 months ago
I deleted several thousand comments and multiple high quality posts in niche gaming subs I wrote over the years, all of high quality. My knowledge and contributions don’t belong to spez or reddit, or the internet for that matter. Eventually those niche communities will move someplace else, and I’ll be happy to contribute there again. 11 months ago
MVP 11 months ago
If you really think not choosing to put your words on a website is somehow more damaging to the public than enabling yet another greedy pig, you’re either delusional or a greedy little pig yourself. 11 months ago
See, I’m torn. I have been endlessly helped through college and now university through decades old Reddit posts. But I hate enabling evil companies. 11 months ago
Those “Don’t delete, overwrite” reddit tools have existed for a long time, do you really believe reddit didn’t take at least one complete db snapshot before the whole API shenanigans? They wouldn’t have multiple complete backups of the supposedly “very valuable” data? 11 months ago
One thing to note is that the reply is only as old as the edit, so it could be a response to the comment telling people to go to Lemmy rather than whatever the original comment was. It could also be sarcasm, hard to tell.