Ask the military industrial complex. Too much good applicable science and tech comes from space exploration.
Comment on Public trust 11 months ago
I just want affordable healthcare 11 months ago 11 months ago
Not really.
The NASA budget has been slashed for decades on a row and is currently a tiny amount compared to what it was before. That they still manage to do what they do is half a miracle in on itself.
It’s so bad that a 3 percent of the military budget given to NASA would double it’s budget instantly.
With that in mind, I would put this on the military industrial complex 11 months ago
My point was that spending on NASA isn’t why we don’t have health care. 11 months ago
Ah… point taken, then. 11 months ago
The funny think is that NASA contracts the same companies as the military anyways (in the modern day, at least)
NASA Prime Contractors Aerojet Rocketdyne, Boeing, Jacobs, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman currently have over 3,800 suppliers contributing to Orion, the SLS rocket, and the lunar spaceport at Kennedy. 11 months ago
Socializing your health care might destroy you guys, since there’s so many fatties, smokers, guns and people who ignore doctors. 11 months ago
Except that it is a proven fact that public health care costs less per capita than private, so actually it sounds less expensive. The people lobbying to keep it private are the only ones who stand to lose and their brainwashed army of sycophants can’t understand anything beyond the points they’ve been trained to parrot. 11 months ago
So I would love public healthcare but what’s the reason that public is cheaper
This came off snarkier than I intended I’m just curious 11 months ago
what’s the reason that public is cheaper
The number of middlemen is removed and their profit motive is removed from the equation. 11 months ago
Plenty of information out there, they shouldn’t need to take the time to do that for you 11 months ago
I blame the obesity epidemic on the weak ass FDA and nutrition labeling. A ‘serving’ is whatever the hell they feel like making it - I’ve seen 1/3 of a cookie, a single tick tack (rounded down to 0g sugar), and every other arbitrary amount so actually comparing products takes so much time that most dont bother. Combine this with the fact that 90% of restaurants dont even bother giving you any information at all so you have to cook or go to specific big chains to actually track calories. 11 months ago
Sugar free cookies! Serving size 1/100th of a cookie, round the grams of sugar down to zero! May as well, what’re they going to do? Stop you? 11 months ago
Smokers?! Have you ever been to France? It’s like a trip back in time to 80s America, with a smoker on every street corner and an ash tray on every cafe patio table. 11 months ago
Unfortunately, the answer to that doesn’t lie in science but in politics. 11 months ago
But I took a course in college Called political Science. So what about that mister science man?