- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
Curbing carts bends the wheels. If you’ve even been annoyed by a cart with a bad wheel, congratulations you played yourself.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
Except that loose carts roll away and get blown by the wind scratching other people’s cars. Carts put up on curbs and in gravel etc. ruins the wheels making everyone’s experience worse. Carts left in the parking lot block spaces so people can’t park in lots that already sometimes are overfilled.
You’re not ‘sticking it to the man,’ the store owner or corporate shareholders who make the rules and set the prices don’t care, you’re making life worse for your fellow shoppers.
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
I’m lawful neutral until the clip breaks, which it always does, and then I go chaotic neutral.
- Comment on BBC Science 5 months ago:
I still think mechanical watches are a pretty neat idea. I also never forget my towel so there’s some hope for me yet.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
You don’t call a lion immoral because lions can’t comprehend morality. That doesn’t mean that humans can do the same actions without being judged morally. Lions can also kill other lions which would be more comparable to murder than your hunting example and still they wouldn’t be held morally responsible and yet humans would if they killed another human. A lot of animals rape too, doesn’t mean it’s moral for humans to do.
The difference is that we CAN understand morality which is why we are held to moral standards and animals aren’t. This is like, pretty basic stuff and shouldn’t be at all confusing. Maybe read a book or two before having loud opinions?
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
These mitts were made for murderin and that’s just what they’ll do
- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 5 months ago:
I look forward to lunch every day. I make myself a wrap with some sort of oven cooked filling and a bunch of fresh veggies and some apple slices and a small bag of wasabi peas for dessert.
- Comment on I'm just a kid and life is nightmare... I know its not fair 5 months ago:
Don’t worry, one day you’ll get to grow up and complain about the next generation behaving in the exact same way! Kids these days, amirite?
- Comment on Those poor plants 5 months ago:
I don’t really have an answer to that, it is an interesting question. For me personally I don’t hold any attachment or feelings to the bodies of the deceased. When I die I’m getting one of those mushroom suits that decomposes you and quickly returns you to nature. But some people are much more attached to the bodies of the deceased whether for spiritual reasons or otherwise and I can’t really speak for them. Would eating the euthanized pets cause suffering to their previous owners, I really have no answer for that, I assume there would be some people who would suffer from that and some who wouldn’t mind. The quality of the meat I think would be very low though considering it would mostly be very senior animals with many health issues.
- Comment on Those poor plants 5 months ago:
Maybe you’re joking but I have seen people say this seriously so I’ll respond seriously. Determining which conscious beings to inflict pain and suffering onto based on characteristics they were born with through no choice of their own is pretty shitty.
- Comment on Those poor plants 5 months ago:
It’s not sort of like that though because the practicality of the matter is that humans have to eat to survive but they don’t have to genocide to survive. Reducing suffering as much as possible being the goal rather than eliminating it completely is not a new concept in philosophy considering eliminating suffering completely is impossible.
- Comment on little hopper 5 months ago:
People say birds are dinosaurs because every living thing is in every clade of it’s ancestors which means they are dinosaurs. They’re also a lot of other things from all of the other clades so they’re not saying that birds are just dinosaurs, but that they are part of Dinosauria and every other clade of their ancestors and so too will all of their descendants be.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
There’s a difference between someone who is an incel and someone who would like to, but can’t find someone to have sex with. It’s like how all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. Not all people who can’t find someone to have sex with are incels even if they are technically involuntarily celibate. There is a lot more that goes along with the incel community than JUST involuntary celibacy.
A shy or fat guy who can’t find someone to sleep with might not classify as an incel for example, but someone who thinks like your comment very much does.
- Comment on Aaaaah 6 months ago:
That use to happen to me a lot, but I haven’t felt that pain in a long time. I started doing yoga regularly which helps, but even without doing yoga, a lesson I learned from yoga prevents that situation in other cases. It’s about balance, so when you stretch your feet down, don’t stretch your feet down toe first, there is no balance there, stretch your legs down heel first, that way the back muscle is being pulled down and the front muscle is being pulled up with your toe, the two counteract each other and you will not get this cramping.
Seek balance in all things friends, including your muscles while you stretch.
- Comment on Crystals 6 months ago:
Nothing exists in a vacuum. Once someone believes one thing without evidence, they are likely to believe more things without evidence and people act on their beliefs. That’s the fundamental problem, believing things without evidence. Once you are comfortable with having that door open, it doesn’t stop at one thing and nothing else.
- Comment on Kids 6 months ago:
That’s the opposite of why he said that though. He said that because he felt that the things that seemed random couldn’t actually be random and that there was something more that they didn’t understand. In other words, he felt he didn’t know enough and wanted to learn more. Not sure where you came up with the idea that he wasn’t interested in learning more.
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
Easy solution! WUPHF it! Image
- Comment on Anon is living like royalty 6 months ago:
Also it’s a bit naive to think royalty didn’t have their fair share of depression and mental illness
- Comment on Anon is living like royalty 6 months ago:
Even if it’s someone who isn’t in your own family you beat a lot of them
- Comment on LinkedIn 6 months ago:
It can’t possibly be a strawman argument, it’s not even an argument at all
- Comment on Anon rides a bike 6 months ago:
People say cars give you freedom and while in a lot of places that you can’t get anywhere without one by design that may be true, being able to get around under your own power has always felt like freedom to me.
- Comment on Middle-schoolers after pronouns are successfully banned once and for all (A conservative utopia) 7 months ago:
But… you can change all of those things, adverbs, participles, adjectives, predicates, you can change all of them by changing your behaviour and characteristics… You can’t even get your own stupid arguments to be correct.
- Comment on Good point 7 months ago:
There they go blaming society for being too afraid to have a conversation with their partner again…
- Comment on Linguistics 7 months ago:
You got trolled bro
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
This is the second one I came to, glad I changed… Very glad.
- Comment on I was explaining to my daughter about the differences between Gimp and Photoshop and saw that Adobe had a page that claimed to compare the two. It never compares the two. It barely mentions Gimp. 8 months ago:
It’s one of the things I’ve bounced off of many times, but each time I come back and give it another shot it gets a bit easier until one day I thought, hey this isn’t as bad as I used to think. Not really a ringing endorsement, but I definitely don’t hate it anymore. I would still rather do as much as I possibly can in Krita though.
- Comment on Finally a useful feature (no) 8 months ago:
He looked at me. And I looked at him. And he looked at me. And I looked at him. And he says what did you want again?
- Comment on Get sorted... 8 months ago:
You are number 6!
- Comment on Cats 8 months ago:
The best sin is at the beach! Why? Cos tan.
- Comment on Cats 8 months ago:
I love linear algebra! It’s one of the coolest and most satisfying maths (for me personally)