Apparently everything. Seems like in the US, people tend to wish for a politician’s death and act as if that’s a sane and reasonable thing to do.
Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago
Jesus f*img Christ, what is wrong with people! 😔 11 months ago 11 months ago
He actively tried to overthrow the American democratic system and should honestly be executed for treason. I’m not a fan of calls for vigilante justice either but let’s not beat around the bush and act like he’s just any other politician. 11 months ago
Wishing does nothing. Go ahead and wish for anyone’s death, the only one you are hurting is yourself. 11 months ago
Cut him some slack. It’d be hard to admit to himself what his father is, let alone bring himself to do it. 11 months ago
Imagine as a teenager having to come to terms with knowing your own dad has raped girls younger than you are. Knowing you’ll always be associated with that even though your only crime so far was being born. 11 months ago
One of the morbid things I learnt about late hitler’s family is that his closest male relatives chose not to procreate any further, not only for sharing this mark themselves, but also not wanting their kids to share it too. One can imagine what bullying could happen to a kid who bear resemblence to that guy in a post-war Germany that lost a generation to warfare and is undergoing heavy deprogramming, remorse and regret. Beating them could be thought of like hitting the long-dead Adolf by proxy for not so smart and impulsive teenagers, who probably had dads, uncles dead in the trenches for some stupid ideals proved wrong. Imagining if I could’ve born into this, the most thankful I could’ve possibly became to another human being could be for my parents to change countries, surnames and cut any connection leading to the famous austrian painter and genocide enthusiast.
I don’t think Trump’s kids would get the same treatment from peers, but from what I’ve occasionaly heard about Trump’s own childhood, their home itself could be a disasterous wreck. On the bright side, they’d probably have all the money in the world for a qualified therapy. How many dollars you can fit in the hole in your body to make it stop leaking blood? A superyacht and a half is my closest guess. 11 months ago
I watched this. It was very interesting. Kids of Göring etc. 11 months ago
Among all the other horrible things he did! 11 months ago
In theory he could take his money, change his name, and just leave. Secret Services for family is optional. It sucks having a shit family but at least he gets to have a well funded childhood. Those of us, including me, whose father had a criminal record didn’t get this. 11 months ago
For real. I disavowed my father for much smaller crimes than Donald’s.