- Comment on Watching videos of people screaming "shooter on the roof" at law enforcement 7 months ago:
No luck about it. Luck is for people who don’t plan.
- Comment on We cater any event! 7 months ago:
I would love for their to be a town somewhere where this was a very sensible sign and not humor at all.
- Comment on We cater any event! 7 months ago:
It wasn’t Tuesday it was T u e s d a y. I am assuming it’s like a normal Tuesday but in some uncanny valley creepy form.
- Comment on no it do not 8 months ago:
Must be an interesting audit.
IRS agent: so you put down that you received a “Cincinnati Steamer” as part of your compensation for employing this vendor.
Dude: that’s right
IRS agent: please describe what goes into a Cincinnati Steamer so I can assign it to a category or categories. Also do you happen to have her W2s and social security number?
Dude: sure, and no I don’t have her paperwork. Surprisingly she didn’t share it with me.
- Comment on Close enough for government work 8 months ago:
I imagine what is going on is the answers on the multiple choice questions weren’t random and you were picking up on the pattern then retroconing a justification. Say for example
- A. 12
- B. 14
- C. 11
- D. 68
You threw out D right away because it was much different and argued that it had to be A or C because being off by one is an easy mistake. Now it’s just a question if even or odd, so you looked for a divide by 2. If found you went odd, if you found a multiple by 2 you went even.
Added to this you probably noticed a pattern. If C was the correct answer the next one was always A, etc.
If you aren’t convinced that its just really good test taking ability it would be pretty easy to use an AI and make it quiz you.
- Comment on no it do not 8 months ago:
Well on the bright side I am sure this person has a bunch of new followers on X. Granted most of them are trying to build a criminal case against him for further profoundly dumb posts but still. All publicity is good publicity
- Comment on no it do not 8 months ago:
They thought about it but were too afraid of the IRS to do it.
- Comment on no it do not 8 months ago:
It used to be tax deductable to bribe government officials of foreign governments.
Unrelated, if you get bribed in time with a hooker do you report it based on what she charges or fair market rate or is there a set amount? I feel like someone at the IRS sat down and came up with an answer to this.
- Comment on American healthcare be like 8 months ago:
I wonder when they will go all Boeing and GE. The day when all they will have left is the ability to buy their own stock and lobby from the government for free money. Imagine the platonic peak form of health insurance. Processing no claims whatsoever.
- Comment on American healthcare be like 8 months ago:
Funny picture, not accurate, but pretty funny. The US is the only developed nation with a life expectancy going down. Hovering around a low established in 1996. Canada on the other hand continues to increase with a tiny rate of growth dip during the worse of Covid. Worse pandemic in its history and all she gets it from it was people were living longer each year at a slower rate.
- Comment on American healthcare be like 8 months ago:
The proceeding was a paid message brought to you by Atena.
Atena, the last time we paid out was 1998 and we fired the person who did that so it won’t happen again.
- Comment on This will be YouTube in 2025 8 months ago:
People with broken cameras have no money and their data isn’t worth selling.
- Comment on This will be YouTube in 2025 8 months ago:
- Won’t happen.
- Comment on This will be YouTube in 2025 8 months ago:
Like how Disneyworld did.
- Comment on This will be YouTube in 2025 8 months ago:
Privately peeing on a grave.
- Comment on This will be YouTube in 2025 8 months ago:
Some insurance group put up a billboard on the route I use to go to work telling us how we all suffer from insurance fraud.
Each and every time I went past it I would try to imagine how much I would have to hate a person in order to side with the enemy against them. No saint and I never pretended to be one but I still wouldn’t do that.
- Comment on Glass half full 8 months ago:
I swear I can tell who grew up with a lot of siblings by how they eat.
- Comment on there is always one 8 months ago:
Bet she is the fifth dentist as well
- Comment on What happens to my domain, website and email when I die? 8 months ago:
One idea I had was to randomly put stuff into content that might pay off later. Write random sentences that say things like “saw Tom today, people are saying his brother is the chosen one.” Or “lot of traffic today, heard it was because this guy was doing crazy miracles and declared himself king”.
Tactius is going to be read forever because he interviewed a Christian one time and wrote one sentence.
- Comment on In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing? 8 months ago:
multiple ongoing projects that hope to change the existing construction processes enough that android-style robots won’t be necessary. 3d printing houses, for example.
Never going to happen in the US or Canada. Oh sure the rest of the world will but not those two countries. The culture of construction work can’t adapt. It’s amazing to me when I see stuff go up in South East Asia vs the US/Canada.
South East Asia: standardized parts, 3 shifts, army of workers, about half of which are women, things just move.
US/Canada: custom everything nothing connects right, 1 shift, all large white males, things take forever.
- Comment on In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing? 8 months ago:
I don’t agree. It takes effort and you will need to balance tradeoffs but employment for life with one employer is possible.
- Comment on In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing? 8 months ago:
Stop doom scrolling for one.
- Comment on In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing? 8 months ago:
4 Ps.
Pimps: operators of the gray and black market. Immune to automation since companies that can hire developers don’t want to be involved.
Prostitutes: people who provide a service that clients do not want automated.
Professionals: highly educated, very skilled. Automation just makes them go faster.
Project Managers: people who deal with the gestalt of legal/political/technical/institutional debt. They can’t be replaced since you can’t yell at an AI and expect them to just “fix it already”.
There is overlap. Live music and much of the service industry. But as a general rule you pick one of the four and you should be fine.
It’s interesting that you say no one could have predicted this. Labor saving devices are not exactly new.
- Comment on Should I permanently leave Israel? 8 months ago:
There is no changing a society built upon colonization.
Europe or Canada
- Comment on AI is the future 8 months ago:
I know. It turned me into a newt and cursed my crops.
- Comment on AI is the future 8 months ago:
5 years ago?
- Comment on Bussy? 8 months ago:
Doxxing people who express an opinion, Russian misinformation campaigns to get your racist uncle to vote, and illegal downloads mostly.
- Comment on When coworkers just casually drop personal info 8 months ago:
We all are at one point.
- Comment on You can pry these high voltage lines from my sizzling dead fingers 8 months ago:
The thing I am currently afraid of is solvent recovery. It’s becoming more and more a thing in my work. We are heating up something that explodes and using high voltage. What part of this is sane?
- Comment on You can pry these high voltage lines from my sizzling dead fingers 8 months ago:
Lies. She would be using a HMI in a panel not a monitor touchscreen.